Archive for Month: May 2016

2016 AX Results Event #4 — 5/29 PM

2016 AX Results Event #3 — 5/29 AM

Meeting Minutes: May 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30. The region received a letter about a classic car show and anyone is welcomed with a back to 50’s theme on July 16, 11AM—4PM. For more …

Member Spot: Nick Landis

Name: Nick Landisnick-landis
From: Steelton, PA
Runs: Rallycross
Drives: 1990 Honda Civic DX MF
Member since: 2014

I got into autocross in 2007 and transitioned to rallycross in 2012. It’s always been a dream of a friend and I to

Meeting Minutes: April 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and there were people/members present. Someone is interested in running a Yugo?

The March meeting minutes were approved as posted.

Alan reported that income exceeded expenses …

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