Archive for Year: 2017

Puttering Around PA: March

We have successfully made it past our March Blizzard! The parking lots in the area are starting to melt. This can only mean one thing, Spring is on the way! We all know the best thing about spring is breaking …

Member Spot: Darian Taggart

Name: Darian Taggart
From: East Earl, PA
Runs: Autocross
Drives: 2005 Mazda 3 in the STF class
Member Since: Early 2016

You may have seen Darian around one of the many AX events from last

March Member Moments

The 2017 motorsport season is finally beginning to ramp up. Have you ever wondered what others are doing outside the Susquehanna SCCA? Well look no further. Below you will see highlights of what our members are doing around the state …

Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2017

February 28, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:29 by Kristen Poole. Previous minutes accepted as published. New member Dawson Scott recognized.

Members report currently holding at 351 members.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

Asst. RE Doug Austin …

Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2017

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted and read. New member Woody Brubeck, Jr. was recognized and welcomed.

Membership is holding steady at 350 give or …

Member Spot: Mark Dougherty

Name: Mark Dougherty
From: Hummlestown, PA
Runs: Mark currently runs Autocross and Hill Climb events. He plans to start running Rallycross this year
Drives: Mark runs a 1965 Cobra in XP. He has a 1990 Escort

Puttering Around PA: February

Happy almost Spring Susquehanna Members! As the weather starts its warming trend, events around the area also start heating up. Can’t wait for our first Hershey events March 25 & 26? Are you are looking for a class or two? …

2017 Autocross & Rallycross Schedules

Great news!

We received confirmation of our event dates from the final venue this afternoon. We’re posting it here first, so that everyone has the details. We’ll get the website calendar updated as soon as possible… please be patient.

Also, …

Member Spot: Bryan Roper

Name: Bryan Roperheadshot-roper
From: Carlisle, PA
Runs: Bryan is currently running in Rallycross events. When not running in events, he is on the crew for several stage rally and road racing teams. Bryan is working towards getting into the autocross …

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