Archive for Month: February 2019

One Lap of America

Tire Rack’s One Lap of America, May 4th-11th. 8 venues, 18 events, over 3500 miles of transit driving, wet and dry skid pad, autocross, road racing, drag racing, All of these things are what Susquehanna Region SCCA Members Jared McGahen …

Meeting Agenda: February 2019

February 28, 2019 — Member Meeting Agenda

RE’s Report — Poole

  • January minutes
  • Charter Update
  • Membership report and committee update (Brillhart)

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher

Autocross Report — Mauro/Brown

  • Update on AX chiefs for 2019
  • Recap of February planning meeting

Meeting Minutes: January 2019

Jan 24, 2019

Meeting was moved at the last minute to Cordier Auctions  meeting space (thanks to Alan Lesher) due to rooms being booked at Appalachian Brewing Company.

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:45 by Kristen Poole. November minutes …

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