Archive for Year: 2023

Meeting Agenda: June 2023

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Call to Order

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • May minutes

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher 

  • Annual audit from Larry.  No contact, need to make a plan “b”

Membership Committee Report — Greg

Club Communication

  • Website & Squeal report

2023 AX Results Event #6 — 06/17 PM

2023 AX Results Event #5 — 06/17 AM

2023 RX Results Event #03 – 6/03

2023 RX Results Event #02 – 5/20

Meeting Agenda: May 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Call to Order

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • April minutes

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher 

  • 2022 990EZ – done
  • Annual audit from Larry – No contact – need plan B

Membership Committee Report — Greg

Club Communication

  • Website

Meeting Minutes: April 2023

April 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on April 27, 2023 at 7:12pm
  • Minutes from the March meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • No report
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint,

2023 AX Results Event #4 — 05/13 PM

2023 AX Results Event #3 — 05/13 AM

2023 AX Results Event #2 – 4/29

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