Susquehanna Hillclimb

If you’re searching for the sport that combines the best aspects of autocross, rally and road racing, hillclimb may be the perfect auto sport for you. While Susquehanna Region SCCA does not sanction hillclimb events due to lack of venues within the region boundaries, there is a regional hillclimb association — The PA Hillclimb Association (PHA) — where Susquehanna is well represented by three representatives.

What is hillclimb?

It’s is a timed event where drivers navigate up a hill or mountain road. As in autocross, it is against the clock and not wheel-to-wheel. Although it’s much like autocross, the pylons in hillclimb are boulders and trees and if you go off course, the consequences are usually more serious. But don’t let that scare you! If you’re interested in learning more, read on.

Video ride-alongs

Curious what it feels behind the wheel? You’re in luck. Here’s a playlist of videos from some of the PHA venues over the past few years. You might want to brace yourself for the adrenaline rush!

Where to start

The PA Hillclimb Association holds these in locations around PA and several Susquehanna SCCA region members participate. Check out their articles Hillclimbing 101, Driver Checklist, and other resources on their site to learn more.

Get more information

The best way to get more information is to ask members of the region at events, contact Tom Knorr of PHA for technical guidance, or contact PHA directly.

PHA courses

There are currently six courses that PHA runs hillcimb events on. They are listed below, and you can find more information on the PHA website.

  • Hotel Hershey, Hershey PA
  • Duryea/Pagoda Hill in Reading, PA
  • Weatherly, PA
  • Giant’s Despair, Laurel Run, PA
  • Rose Valley, Trout Run, PA
  • Jefferson Circuit at Summit Point (not really a hill), WV

Have Questions?

While Susquehanna Region SCCA doesn’t sanction any hillclimbs as a region due to lack of venues, we have plenty of members who run the hillclimbs. If you have questions, they are happy to help. Just send a quick email with your question, or use the contact form and someone will get back to you quickly.



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