Meeting Minutes: April 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and there were people/members present. Someone is interested in running a Yugo?

The March meeting minutes were approved as posted.

Alan reported that income exceeded expenses by a wide margin as of the end of March because of recent events that were held.

Steve reported on the membership and the all time high of 366 members has been exceeded with a current total of 374 and Steve has a list of 8-9 members to call who allowed their membership to lapse.

Kristen reported that there was a new high for hits on the Squeal and that the new site will hopefully be ready soon. She talked about the banquet and it will likely stay at the old location of the Holiday Inn in Grantville.

Geoff reported on the autocross series and how well the first event went. Kristen will be taking over as registration chief and will need someone to help her with that and Marcus would also like some help with set up and tear down for the events. The additional help for these jobs is not limited to one person so if anyone would like to help please contact Kristen or Marcus.

The events at Hershey in March went great on Saturday as well as Sunday with only some slight issues on Sunday, but overall the weekend was a great success. There was discussion about the issues with the timing software and also the request for adding the PAX stuff to the live timing. Geoff thanked everyone involved with the event, and the next one will be at the end of May.

John gave his report on the rallycross school with 12 entrants as well as the event that attracted 29 competitors. The course was fun and the event went well.

Marcus and Kristen discussed the work going on with the website.

Kristen spoke about the cost to do the Squeal and a motion to reimburse her for the cost was made by Geoff and seconded by Dave which passed.

Dave talked about a HPD event that will be held at a road course if anyone is interested.

A motion to adjourn was passed at 7:58.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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