Road Rally in Susquehanna Region

The Susquehanna Region SCCA hasn’t held a Rally event since 2008 (but we are running one in 2018!), but before that it was a staple in our event lineup. We would like to extend a special invitation to anyone who interested in organizing a rally event. Please contact any club officer and let them know your interest.

Road Rally Schedule

For the first time in a decade, we’ll be running a Road Rally event on October 6, 2018! If you would like to be involved in organizing future Road Rally events, please contact any club officer and let them know your interest.



What’s a Road Rally?

Road Rally is often described as extremely large board game where public roads are the board and your car is the playing piece. Each car carries a driver and navigator(s) with the goal of carefully following a set of instructions that direct you along the intended course.

Teams can be friends, couples or entire families, and any and all types of vehicles are welcome to join!All you need is a pen, a friend (your navigator) and a car. That’s it! The goal is to follow the course most accurately, and at the end of the rally, there’s usually plenty of good food and other car nuts to socialize with.

There are two types of Rally events that are typically held — Gimmick and Timed — but they are both non-racing events held on public streets.

Gimmick Rally

This type of rally is a great way to get started. They often involve as little effort as following driving directions and answering questions about the scenery as you go.

Timed Rallies

The goal of this type of rally is to get from a designated point A to point B in the correct amount of time, given specific directions and average speed information. It may sound tricky, but you can conceivably just watch your speedometer, follow the clues and come close to arriving at the right time. There are often rally tables available to help if you wish to do the calculations.

Both types are an enjoyable way to spend a weekend afternoon or evening with a friend and your car, cruising the roads of South-Central PA.

Rules & Classes

Rules and Classes
Definitions and Abbreviations
Rallye Supplemental Rules


Rally | 2005-2006


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