Meeting Minutes: July 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

July 26, 2016

At 7:30 the SCCA Susquehanna Region monthly meeting was called to order. Alan opened the meeting with a Treasurers report. We had income from both Autocross and Rallycross in June. As of the end of June we have approximately $25K in income from Autocross vs. $18K in expenditures and $2.5K in Rallycross income vs. $2.7k in expenditures.

Kristen then spoke on the webpage and Squeal. Hits were down this month due to low club activity. She also discussed club tee shirts. It was decided to try to crowd source a design and have shirts available for the next AX if possible.

Membership was down from 353 last month to 351 this month. Our all time high was 371.

Geoff discussed Autocross. New pylons have been delivered and trophies have been ordered with delivery expected 7/29. We are still looking for new venues. One new location is being investigated currently. The club truck was dropped off for a repair of a coolant leak.

No Rallycross news for this month other than the next event is 8/6.

New business was then opened. Since there is no photographer consistently this year the idea of a trophy redesign was discussed. We also discussed if membership should be required to earn a trophy. It was agreed not to change the system currently in place at this time. We then discussed the possibility of planning a road rally for early this fall, possibly utilizing a poker run style setup.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55.

Respectfully submitted — Matt Elliott, Substitute Secretary

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