Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

September 27, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he introduced Jack Burrows as a guest and Jack is running for area 2 director and will address the meeting later. The region did have a quorum and the minutes were approved as posted.

Alan gave the treasures report and the region is doing well.

Membership is down from a high of 374 to 350 and Kristen reported that she has found Tracy Holmes who has been appointed the region membership chair and will help with member spotlights, news about members participating in other motorsports events outside of Susquehanna Region’s events, contacting members who have left their membership lapse to remind them they missed their renewal, etc.

There was discussion about allowing online voting for the region executive board positions for 2017. A motion was made for online voting and the motion passed.

Kristen reported on the tee shirt sales and that most were sold and would like to order more. A motion was made to allow for more shits to be ordered which was passed. There was discussion about possibly ordering in a lighter color and white verses black due to being out in the sun all day. Doug was commended on the great design for the shirts.

Geoff reported that there was a good turnout for the last event and it went well. Marcus mentioned that he would like to purchase some equipment that will allow him to make running the event even better than it is now. Marcus expects to spend around $400 for the new equipment and there was discussion about the old equipment verses the new proposed equipment.

Geoff also mentioned about the need for safety stewards for the upcoming event and there seems to be enough stewards available for the event. It was mentioned that there will be another meeting before the next scheduled event. Doug mentioned the differences between working versus driving at the events which brought some discussion on the matter.

Kristen said that the Penn State campus in Middletown has approved the region to have events there in the summer. There was discussion about possible course design for the lot and that someone needs to do a lot survey/design so there will be a map for using to design future events there. Geoff also mentioned about possibly using the old Caterpillar lot in York as another possibility. There was discussion about using the Penn State lot as an autocross school site in the future and Kristen discussed that someone will do a site map for the lot to allow course design.

John gave his report on the recent rallycross event and there were some hiccups with the timing equipment but otherwise the event went OK. Ed asked if anyone might have hit the pole again but it has been removed, thanks to Henry asking the Farm Show to remove it.

Doug said he had nothing to report on the Facebook group and Kristen has removed the Facebook page for rallycross in favor of the new rallycross group, which is performing well.

Under old business Kristen mentioned that there seems to be interest in possibly having some road rally events and Ed asked about what the requirements are for hosting road rallies, and there was discussion about the different types of rallies. There is a possibility of inviting other clubs and having a rally as a “meeting of the marks” as in the different clubs competing against each other as well as the need for rally safety steward in order to host road rallies.

There was further discussion about purchasing a specially built trailer for use at the autocross events.

Under new business there was none and a break was requested before Jack would speak and there was a short break. Jack then talked about the reason he was running for the area 2 directorship and there was back and forth talk between himself and the members about the SCCA and its potential direction for the future.

Kristen made a motion for adjournment and it was seconded by Ed and meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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