2017 Autocross & Rallycross Schedules

Great news!

We received confirmation of our event dates from the final venue this afternoon. We’re posting it here first, so that everyone has the details. We’ll get the website calendar updated as soon as possible… please be patient.

Also, an important side note, we are making a move to MotorSportsReg.com for our pre-registration this year, so keep your eyes peeled for that new information as well.

Now, without further ado, the schedules!


The following dates have been set for the 2017 autocross program with the Susquehanna Region. We are exploring options for an August test and tune at a new lot, which would be open to region members. More news on that as it becomes available. As it is, we’ve got a great event lineup this year!

  • March 25 — Event #1, Hershey Park
  • March 26 — Event #2, Hershey Park
  • May 28 — Event #3 & #4, Farm Show, double-header
  • June 11 — Event #5 & #6, Farm Show, double-header (tentative)*
    • *Tentative until confirmed by venue at the end of March
  • July 2 — Event #7 & #8, Farm Show, double-header
  • July 23 — Event #9 & #10, Farm Show, double-header
  • September 10 — Event #11 & #12, Farm Show, double-header
  • October 28 — Event #13, Hershey Park
  • October 29 — Event #14, Hershey Park



The following dates have been set for the 2017 rallycross program with the Susquehanna Region. We are exploring options for additional venues, so stay tuned for more news on those developments.

  • April 22 — Rallycross School, Farm Show Elmerton Lot
  • April 23 — Rallycross #1, Farm Show Elmerton Lot
  • June 24 — Rallycross #2, Farm Show Elmerton Lot
  • July 15 — Rallycross #3, Farm Show Elmerton Lot
  • August 19 — Rallycross #4, Farm Show Elmerton Lot
  • Rain Date: November 18, Farm Show Elmerton Lot

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