Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2017

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted and read. New member Woody Brubeck, Jr. was recognized and welcomed.

Membership is holding steady at 350 give or take a member.

Treasures report was given by Alan Lesher.

Doug Austin gave a report on the recent banquet. A good time was had by all Alan commended all of the photos encompassing all of our different levels of motorsport. Doug noted that it wouldn’t have been possible without the countless efforts on all fronts.

Geoff Craig gave the AX report, overall successful season the last two events went fantastic and ready to kick this season off. Ashley Zywusko has resigned as worker chief and a replacement will be needed. Zach McCune has accepted the position of registration chief.

Rallycross is currently considering potential new venues and will be having a Solo Safety Steward Training Course on 18 Feb in Wellsboro Pa, contact rally chair John Roscinski for more information.

Under old business, A motion was brought forward by Alan Lesher to change our registration from the current MyAutoEvents to MotorsportReg. Motion was seconded and passed.

Markus Houser is considering the cost of a newer tow vehicle for the club and will have further information by next month’s meeting.

Chris Benfer will have further information on a timing trailer so that a decision can be made as to whether we will proceed in this endeavor.

Meeting adjourned at 20:17.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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