Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2017

February 28, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:29 by Kristen Poole. Previous minutes accepted as published. New member Dawson Scott recognized.

Members report currently holding at 351 members.

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.

Asst. RE Doug Austin spoke about the Solo Safety Steward program that was to be held 4 Mar 17.

AX chair Geoff Craig spoke about the upcoming event 25-26 Mar 17 it was stated that Sam Strano will be coming down to help set up the course, hopefully all the snow will be gone by then.

Insurance is all set for the year’s currently scheduled events.

A motion was made to get trophy mugs ordered for the year the motion was accepted and seconded. The order was to be placed for 300 trophies’ to be here prior to the beginning of the AX/RS season.

Timing trailer was discussed and tabled until the next meeting as more information was needed to make any informed decisions now.

Markus brought information on the potential for a new truck. We can pick up a 14’ former U-Haul for approximately $10,000; this would be moving height GM 6.0l with a pull-out ramp. No decision was entertained now as further research is necessary.

RX chair John Roscinski is currently working on a second venue with Woody at his property in Perry county. Barring any township or insurance reasons, this could be a strong potential. It was stated the 24 June 17 event at Farm Show will be a divisional event.

Markus is happy with new registration site,, which is working well.

AX/RX supplemental rules accepted and passed.

At Alan’s suggestion, a Buy & Sell classifieds page has been added to the web page.

Meeting was adjourned @ 20:13

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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