Meeting Minutes: September 2017

September 27, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

Membership report by Kristen Poole: Membership is continuing to increase monthly since the beginning of the year. New membership record set, 417 members.


Treasures report by Alan Lesher: Income and distribution for both AX and RX were reviewed. Both are on target to close out the year in the black.


Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: Doug instructed at the most recent Tire Rack Street Survival School. He reported that the Tire Rack Street Survival School is desperately seeking instructors. Instructors are responsible for teaching teen drivers (ages 16-21 with a permit or license) Accident Avoidance Skills. If anyone is interested reach out to Melissa Mauro or Doug Austin and they will advise you how to become a certified instructor.


Social media report by Doug Austin: Facebook AX and RX groups are seeing a huge increase in followers. We are showing an additional 10-20 new followers a week.


AX report by Solo Chair Chris Benfer: The 9/10 events went off without a hitch. Post event surveys are showing positive results. Sampling of survey questions and results were reported as follows:

  • 92% of respondents reported they loved or liked the course design
  • 0% reported they did not like the course design
  • 96% reported they would or were likely to recommend us to a friend
  • 0% reported they were unlikely or would not recommend us to a friend

Additional survey responses were discussed. There is a mix of people that like or do not like running 2 events in 1 day at that venue. Discussion tabled until the off season.

Our next events are #13 & 14 in Hershey, October 28-29. Course design(s) will be done by an individual(s) outside the Susquehanna Region, yet to be named.


RX report by John Roscinski: RX is in the process of getting a member licensed as Divisional Steward. RX Safety Steward License changes were discussed. RX is preparing for their next event to be held on 11/18/17.

It was determined RX will need to obtain a port-a-john for the next event. Possible new venue locations were discussed. Changes are being made to the drivers meeting and a novice driver’s meeting/walk-through is being started, to be run by Adam Moore.


Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. We are currently holding steady with open rate on the monthly newsletter email. Click rate on emails is approximately 50%.

Old Business:

  1. Truck: The approved U-Haul truck has been purchased. The truck is insured and is being stored at the same location as our old truck. The following items are still open:
    1. Out of state title transfer is needed for the new truck. Kristen Poole is handing the PennDoT work.
    2. Title for old truck needs to be located or a duplicate title is needed. Kristen Poole is handing the PennDoT work.
    3. Shelving needs to be built and installed in the new truck. Markus Houser and Chris Brown will work together complete this item.
    4. The new truck needs to have the proper club graphics placed on the exterior. Mike Snyder has offered to complete the work.
  2. EZ-Up Purchase: A red 10×20 EZ-Up with rolling storage bag has been purchased for use at Registration. A blue 10×10 EZ-Up with rolling storage bag has been purchased to be placed by the truck to house helmets, radios, announcers, etc. Only remaining open item is the purchase of weight bags or other weighted items to secure setup tents.
  3. National Convention: It was proposed to have 4 representatives at the next convention. Suggested representatives being: 2018 RE, an AX Representative, an RX Representative, and the Ascenders Representative nomination of Melissa Mauro. Approximate cost to club as recommended, would be between $1700 and $2,000. A motion to send as recommended was made, seconded, and carried. Current representative list is set as, RE-Kristen Poole (pending election), AX Rep to be chosen by AX Chair, RX Rep to be chosen by RX Chair, Ascender’s Rep Melissa Mauro.
  4. Business Cards: A motion was made to order 1,000 blank business cards with the Susquehanna SCCA website and other information. Cards would be used by representatives of the club to hand out to people interested in joining or attending an event. The approximate cost would be 500 cards for $38.00. A motion was made to purchase 1,000. The motion was seconded and carried. Kristen will order the card and distribute accordingly.

New Business:

  1. Awards: The banquet committee is considering new awards for the 2017 banquet. Due to lack of dedicated photographer, we will not be able to do the wall plaques that include photographs. It was recommended to the committee to do jackets for first place winners. Pricing has been provided by a vendor. Additional recommendations included long sleeve shirts for awards under 1st, and acrylic desk style awards. As with years past the awards for AX and RX will be the same agreed upon style. The discussion is being moved offline.
  2. Tire Rack Street Survival School: Melissa Mauro has done a lot of research on this program and is taking lead on the possibilities of the Susquehanna Chapter hosting this program. The premise of the school is to teach new drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 who currently have permits or licenses accident avoidance and car control skills as a community outreach and service program. All necessary training materials are provided by Tire Rack. Melissa will continue to update the club as she navigates through the details.
  3. Divisional Event possibly to be hosted by Susquehanna SCCA: Kevin MacDonald is taking the lead on researching the requirements for Susquehanna Region to host a National Event at some point in the future. He is in the process of obtaining all the necessary requirements. Kevin will be updating us with what requirements are necessary along with working to locate any additional venues that may be needed.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:48 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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