Member Spot: Adam Moore

Name: Adam Moore
From: Carlisle, PA
Runs: RallyCross and occasionally AutoCross
Drives: RX: 1996 Subaru Impreza 2.2I in MA Class (Modified All Wheel Drive), Stage Rally: 1996 Subaru Impreza 2.5I in Open Light Class
Member Since: 2010

I am sure if you haven’t met Adam Moore you have at least saw his name in any number of Member Moments articles over the years. Adam is an extremely busy man with a slew of varied talents and interests that take him all over the map. When asked about his interests and all things cars Adam had the following to say:

I began rallycross and volunteering at Stage Rally events in 2009. Through the friends I made in the SCCA RallyCross program, I began crewing at Stage Rally Events all along the East Coast in both the Rally America and NASA Rally Sport organizations in 2011.

In 2012 John Roscinski and myself stood up the Susquehanna Region RallyCross program. We are no celebrating our 5th year of hosting events for our region. It’s been great to see the program expand, bringing passion to others and getting to see them excel.

In 2014 I took a hiatus from racing to hike 210 miles of the Appalachian Trail. (Mind you a hiatus to Adam means going to 6 or 7 events instead of his normal 20+)

2016 was a big year. Through hard work and being involved in the sports John Roscinski and myself were given the opportunity to run a course opening car for the NASA Rally Sport SandBlast rally. I finally got the chance to compete in Stage Rally as a Co-Driver to the WDCR RallyCross Chair Adam Kimmett at Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally, and at Lake Superior Performance Rally. Additionally, I was invited to crew for a team at Targa Newfoundland, an automotive event I’ve been wanting to experience for years.

I look forward to the future to see how our program keeps expanding and what new adventures lay ahead.

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