Meeting Minutes: October 2017

October 25, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes reviewed.

  • Correction to September RallyCross report: Discussions of divisional event with NEDIV steward determined that divisional event was not as beneficial to other regions, future of divisional uncertain. Safety steward training upcoming.  Correction noted.

Monthly Reports:

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 433 members as of this afternoon. National report was received. We are leading medium regions in growth by 8%. We are on track to be bumped into the Large Region area if we remain over 400 for the remainder of the year.
  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: Income and distribution for both AX and RX were reviewed.
  • Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: Nothing to report.
  • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: Facebook is hopping with activity. The website classifieds are not being utilized as intended and are not yielding desired results. It may be time to look at disbanding that section of the site. It appears the majority of the classifieds are being seen and working on Facebook but the segment of our site dedicated to classifieds is not seeing the same level of activity. Plan to re-assess early in 2018 and determine if they should remain on the website or be removed.
  • AX report by Solo Chair Chris Benfer: Our next events are 13 & 14 in Hershey. We have record sign up response. Weather is an issue we are watching for Sunday. We have 2 guest course designers set for this weekend. Eric Simmons and Sam Strano will be our guest designers. No update on timing trailer at this time.
  • RX report by John Roscinski: RX is preparing for their next event to be held on 11/18/17. Expanded efforts to find new locations are underway.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal continues to be positively received. We are currently a little lower on open rate and click through from last month.


Old Business:

  1. EZ-Up Purchase: The EZ-Ups have been received and are ready to go for the next event. Kristen has secured weighted items to secure tents.
  2. Business Cards: The cards have been designed but have not been ordered as of yet, will be ready for November meeting.
  3. Truck: The following items are still open:
    1. Out of state title transfer is needed for the new truck. Kristen Poole is handing the PennDoT work.
    2. Shelving needs to be built and installed in the new truck. Markus Houser and Chris Brown will work together complete this item.
    3. Mike Snyder has the graphics done but they are not installed yet.

New Business:

  1. End of Year Banquet:
    1. An Awards poll was sent out for opinions on awards. The poll was a dead lock.
    2. Suggestion is 1st place for AX and RX get a jacket. 2nd and on is up for debate on what trophy style we should do.
      1. Show of hands in meeting for Wall Hanging Trophy was 7, Standing Shelf Trophy was 6. The price of the 2 trophy styles are approximately the same.
      2. Motion made to do Jackets for 1st place and acrylic stand up trophies for all other positions made.
      3. Previous years banquet pricing: Members at $10, 1 guest at $10, additional guests $40, non-members $40. Motion made to keep it the same as last year was made, seconded, voted, and carried.
  2. Executive Board: Brian Holmes announced the following nominations for Executive Board:
    1. RE: Kristen Poole
    2. ARE: Doug Austin
    3. Secretary: Brian Holmes
    4. Treasurer: Alan Lesher
    5. 1y Director: Kevin MacDonald
    6. 3y Director is up for election. The 2 nominees for 3-year Director are Markus Houser and Rob Springer.
    7. No additional nominations made at the meeting. Nominations accepted as read. Board Election process by our bylaws. Online election to be held on MSR.
  3. North East Division Mini-Conference in DC to be held in November. Susquehanna Region has not been represented in recent years. Kristen asked board to consider sending her as RE and Doug as ARE, and Bryan Roper as RX to represent Susquehanna. Since venue is close, no hotel will be needed, just the cost of admission. Motion was made, seconded, and carried. Board will pay for 3 admissions.


Good and welfare:

  1. Lisa Hicks, who developed our website, was in a very bad motorcycle accident on October 20. A request was made to keep her in our thoughts and prayers as she will need them. A Go-Fund-Me was set up to assist with her ongoing care. A motion was made to donate $50.00 to her fund. Motion was seconded and carried. Kristen to handle donation.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:19 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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