Meeting Minutes: January 2018

January 25, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. November 2017 minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 503 members as of today. That is an increase of 64 members since the November meeting. We a large region (400-799 members), a jumbo region is any region over 800 members.
  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX and RX income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed. Both AX and RX income and expenses are higher for 2017 over 2016.
  • Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: Banquet went very well. We had great attendance.
  • AX report by Chris Benfer: AX planning is coming along well. The Facebook planning committee group is going well. We are still trying to secure additional venues since we lost the fall Hershey lot rental. The Farm Show lot dates have not been confirmed by the Farm Show yet.
  • RX report by John Roscinski: Some viable venues have been located and the process of contacting the owners is being started. RX dates have been submitted to the existing venue owner for approval. Allegheny Highlands posted a great RX video about the sport. The RX committee is looking into creating their own video to also promote the sport.
  • RE notes and administration by Kristen Poole: Planning committee normally meets in the beginning of the year to work out the schedule of events. Doug Austin has hosted the committee the last 2 years and has tentatively agreed to do so again this year to be held Thursday February 8, 2019 at 19:00. A notice/e-vite will be sent to all the committee members by Kristen. National is having all regions review their bylaws and make sure they are in alignment with national bylaws. National will be reviewing all regions bylaws to ensure compliance.
  • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: Facebook is continuing to show great participation by members and is growing by leaps and bounds. The classifieds are not being viewed at all. This portion of the site will be taken down by Kristesn.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. The newsletter has a 35% open rate and 30% click rate on links.

Old Business:

  1. Trailer Acquisition: Chris went to obtain the quote and see what trailers they had on site. Chris will send the quote out to the board. For the trailer with all the modifications we need (ie windows, shelves, wiring, outlets, lights, etc) the quote comes to approximately 17k. If we install pre-done desks under the windows and additional shelves the quote comes to around 23k. The needs surrounding the trailer purchase have changed due to improvements made during the season and the purchase of the new truck. The quote is being sent to the board for review and further discussion to take place on a later date.
  2. Truck Committee: Markus brought up the need for shelves to be ordered for the truck. $1500 was approved to purchase shelves with the direction that the committee must meet/speak and agree on style. Once agreement is reached shelves can be ordered. Measurements need to be taken to see if we can install windows in the truck for the back to be used for timing as well as storage. The suggestion was made to park the truck with the back facing the course and have timing work out of the back using the roller door opening to view the track. If the set up seems to work out, we can measure and order windows to run the length of one side for better viewing of the course. With the new truck it was suggested we may no longer have a need for a large trailer. At most we would only need a small tag a long trailer to store and put out cones only. Graphics are in the works.
  3. Sponsors: A reminder to all that we are still looking for sponsors for the 2018 season. The Sponsorship Package documents are available for all to see and use. If you have someone you want to approach to sponsor us and need the package information, please reach out to Kristen Poole and she will forward you all necessary information. We have 2 new sponsors for 2018. Slow Sally’s Stickers and Things has singed on to be a sponsor. She does vinyl numbers. Matt Elliot of Triton Automotive is also looking into sponsorship. He is going to be the title RX sponsor for 2018. RX will be responsible for displaying their banner and signage. He is also signing on as a smaller sponsor for the club. There are a few smaller sponsorships in the works.
  4. Season long Annual Regional Tech Day: AX, GCR, and HillClimb techs are committed to processing annual tech at the Regional Tech Day scheduled for 2/24/18 at Auto Seat Covers in Harrisburg. The required stickers are being ordered for cars and helmets. Road Race, HillClimb and Autocross cars are welcome to come to the annual tech day. There is no cost for this event but participants must sign up on Motosportsreg so we can have an approximate headcount for the event. Eligible autocross vehicles are those belonging to members eligible for a season trophy in 2017. That is approximately 70 individuals. A re-tech can be done if something happens to the car that requires repairs to the vehicle.
  5. Web Hosting: Marcus and Doug completed the host transition.
  6. RX Radios: New radios are needed for RX. Marcus Houser is to bring a cost list for this item to the next meeting. This item was not revisited during the January Meeting.

New Business:

  1. National Convention:
    1. The national convention in Las Vegas went well. We won the SCCA Region of the year for the Medium Region Category. National membership average is down our membership average and retention is up.
    2. Melissa took the Street Survival classes at national hosted by the head guy from Tire Rack. During the classes they were giving away 5, $500.00 grants for the fist Street Survival Event. We won one of the grants. He offered to come run our first Street Survival Event. We need instructors/certified volunteers before we can start to plan an event. Please reach out to Doug or Melissa for the link to become certified.
  2. Safety Steward Class: Doug is now certified to host Solo Safety Steward Classes to train safety stewards the only thing we are missing is a venue for the classes. The training takes 3-4 hours. If anyone is interested in becoming a Solo Safety Steward, please reach out to Doug for more information. Scheduling will be done through MSR.
  3. Susquehanna HillClimb: Rich Rock from PA HillClimb reached out to Doug Austin to see if the Susquehanna Region would be willing to host/sanction a HillClimb. They have a venue in Mt Holly that may work for a HillClimb. They are looking to have a Level 4 HillClimb before Memorial Day 2019 but after Labor Day 2018. We would need to cover the sanction fees upfront and the PA HillClimb would then reimburse the region. They are looking to do 1 event in 2018 and 2 in 2019. They may need volunteers to put the events together and to work the events.
  4. Signature Motion: Doug made a motion to allow the RE (Kristen Poole) to sign contracts and sure payments for routine and non-routine items. Motion seconded and passed

Good, Welfare, Announcements, and Miscellaneous:

  1. Mike Cline, a DC Member who has also run with the Susquehanna Region, has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer at 41 and fading fast. A moment of silence was taken in honor of Mike. The family asked not to send flowers. The DC Region will be hosting an event in Honor or Memory of Mike sometime this year.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:41 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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