Meeting Minutes: June 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

June 23, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 by Steve and Alan gave the treasurers report. There was income for the past month but since the club has to pay for lot rentals etc. in advance, the club does show a loss sometimes for the month until the money comes in for the actual event. The club has annually added around $10K each year to the treasury so the club is doing well. There was discussion about the costs per event and also discussion about the new radio’s that worked great with line of sight operation.

The minutes for the past meetings as well as e-board are posted on the website so please go to the website before the meeting to check for the accuracy so you can suggest any needed changes to the posted meetings. (Hey I can only write my notes so fast and sometimes can get behind and miss things, so no problem with making corrections if I miss something or don’t quite get it right, Ed.)

Assistant RE, Henry would like to find someone to help with the website management due to the overwhelming work load to keep the site current. Marcus did do some updating before attending the meeting but some additional help would be nice. Henry also would like some direction for the website so that interested parties can be directed to the Facebook pages for event info. Henry would also like to remove directions to non region events like pro racing etc. that have been shown in the past and update info from 2014 to 2015 as well as other information for possible removal or updating. There was discussion about removing the Yahoo mailing list from the posting and there was a motion by Henry in favor of removing that page and also of updating the info of current officers of the club. Motion approved.

Steve reported that the membership is down from 361 to 359.

Geoff gave the auto cross report and reported that the turn out for events so far has been great even with the weather issues. The event at the Giant Center on 5/3 broke attendance records for the club from the previous divisional event from the 1990’s era. The next event will be on 7/5. There was discussion about getting some new cones to replace the damaged ones (that drivers keep hitting) and there was a motion by Geoff to buy 50-60 new cones and seconded by Ed and approved.

There was talk about who would be the safety steward for the upcoming event on 7/5 and Steve is a possibility to be the chief for the event. There was discussion about having additional stewards since not everyone who attended the previous class has received the license as of yet. Geoff asked Marcus about the timing equipment and updates etc. and there was discussion about new equipment that we should consider buying. Also there was talk about an event site called Spooky Nooks Sports complex and possibly trying to get into that location that is located along 283 since it seems to empty on Sundays.

John gave his report on Rally cross and everything went well at the last event with everyone getting 17 runs in for the day with 25 competitors on hand. The water wagon was on hand to help with the dust situation. Next event will be on 8/29 and there was also discussion about future events and sites for them.

Doug gave a report/talk on the Facebook page and its use.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary.

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