Susquehanna Autocross Locations

The Susquehanna Region of the SCCA currently has one Autocross locations. We will autocross this season at the Farm Show parking located off of Elmerton and Sycamore Drive in Dauphin County.

Important note to participants

We are very lucky to have these locations, and it’s important that we not jeopardize them. It’s required that all participants and spectators abide by all traffic laws. There is no warming (or squealing) of tires permitted. If you’re caught, you risk not being allowed to autocross with the Susquehanna Region in the future.

Locations details

Farm Show Parking Lot – Elmerton Ave

We began using this venue with our 2020 season. This venue is close to Progress Avenue as well as Cameron Street. The club will run mainly double header events, and possibly two-day points events (at the end of the season) here.

Locations & Directions
Elmerton Avenue & Sycamore Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112


We couldn't do it without them!

2024 Autocross & Rallycross Title Sponsor

Hanover Auto Team

Casalingo Foods Fox Pest Control URL Insurance Group Bring It Garage Ben Burkhart Photography
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