Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

November 25, 2014

Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the November 25th membership meeting to order at Gilligan’s Restaurant at 7:27 PM.

Steve introduced a guest – Area 2 Director Terry Hanushek who talked about the duties of area director and what is new for 2015 in SCCA.

Dave Walter moved that the October minutes be approved as printed in The Squeal. Motion passed.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. The treasury is in good shape with a net gain for the year. Expenses do not include audits that have yet to be filed.

Steve Limbert reports that membership fell slightly from last month to 332.

Geoff Craig reports that figures are being compiled for needed autocross purchases.

John Roscinski reports that for rallycross there’s nothing new to report. The 2014 season is over. John asked if we want to have a rallycross school next year. It will be discussed at the upcoming eboard planning meeting.

Another discussion of problems with the existing truck tires and how to deal with them.

The year-end awards banquet is on for January 17th. Henry Brillinger moved that we allocate $100 for the banquet door prizes. Charlie Demmy will shop for them again.

Nominations were opened again this month. Ed Womer accepted the secretary position and Charlie Demmy accepted the 3-year director position. Elections were then held.

Our incoming 2015 executive officers are:

  • Steve Limbert, RE
  • Henry Brillinger, Asst. RE
  • Alan Lesher, Treasurer
  • Ed Womer, Secretary
  • Charlie Demmy, 3-year Director
  • Markus Houser, 2-year Director
  • Geoff Craig, 1-year Director

Meeting adjourned at 9:12.

Respectfully submitted Alan Pozner, Secretary

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