Wanna Have Fun?

Glad I got your attention! As you may know, Susquehanna Region SCCA is an all-volunteer organization. That means that the region can only be what the region wants it to be. And, that’s you.


So, there are certain things that need to happen to make sure the club runs smoothly. Without volunteers, programs can’t be successful (or they can’t exist… ouch!). We’re currently looking to fill a bunch of positions, from Social Media Administrator/Moderator to some program helpers for Road Rally and Street Survival, and a few others in between.

Right now, our core volunteers are stretched too thin. If we don’t get anyone who is interested in helping with these positions, we’ll have to take a look at what that means for our programs (autocross, rallycross, etc.) moving forward into 2019. So if you want to keep having fun, or you’ve ever *thought* about stepping up… now’s the time! Please check out the link below and drop me a line. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

Squeal Editor/Email Marketing Manager

Each month, we publish the Squeal newsletter, with content provided from program and committee chairs, and a little bit of content to be written by the editor (e.g., editor’s note). We use Campaign Monitor, which is an email marketing platform that allows for drag-and-drop functionality (no HTML/CSS knowledge required!). This position will require 2-4 hours of time per month, with the occasional additional email that goes out for event announcements, etc. Templates are already built, so this is a learn-plug-play type of position! Please contact Melissa Mauro, current Editor, if you’re interested in learning more.


Social Media Moderator/Administrator

Know what Facebook is? Know how to use it? Are you a member of the Susquehanna Region SCCA Facebook group? Then you already kinda know what this one is all about. It’s basically just making sure we’re all on the up-and-up and moderating posts that (sometimes) get a little out of hand, and creating Facebook Events for program events. Current Social Media Moderator/Administrator Doug Austin could use some help. Contact him if you’d like to learn more about this one.


Tire Rack Street Survival Program Helpers 

This one is all about the kids! If you like teaching or the idea of giving back to the community, this one is for you. Street Survival is a program for 16-20 year olds to learn car control in a safe, controlled environment. Melissa Mauro is heading this one up as Program Chair, and she could use help in several areas. If you’d like to be involved, please email Melissa for more information.


NEDiv Mini-Convention Committee (Party Planners!)

We are proud to be hosting the NEDiv Mini-Convention in February of 2019! This is a special committee that will only last until the partying is over, so it’s a temporary volunteer opportunity. We’re looking for anyone who likes to plan events (or parties) with a knack for organization. If you’re interested, please contact Kristen Poole, committee chair.


Road Rally Program Helpers

Susquehanna Region has our first Road Rally in a decade (or so) planned for October 6th, and it’s shaping up to be a fun time! Join us for that event and then decide if you’re interested in helping us grow this program. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Lisa Leathery, who is Event Chair for the upcoming event.


Cars & Coffee Planners

We are kicking off our first Cars & Coffee event on August 25th, but we’d love to see more of this type event in the future. If you like these types of events, we’re looking for you! This is a low-key, low-time-requirement committee. Very little event coordination required, but with all the fun of hob-nobbing with other car enthusiasts. If you’re interested, email Lisa Leathery or Doug Austin for more details (they’re planning this first one!).



On occasion, we have a need for a graphic designer. Examples would be the t-shirts we create each year, event postcards or flyers, social media banners, etc. This is an as-needed type of position, but it can really be what you want it to be! If you have graphic design experience (and the programs necessary), contact Kristen Poole.

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