Meeting Minutes: Apr. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2014

The Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, April 22nd was called to order by Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, at 7:49pm. Dave Walter moved and Alan Pozner seconded that the March meeting minutes as printed in The Squeal be approved; the motion passed.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Expenses overwhelmed Income this month, but autocross income for the first two events of the year is not included in the report.

Membership chair Steve Limbert reported that our membership has grown to a multi-year high of 323, which is about 10% higher than normal.

The Squeal newsletter has been published and emailed to the membership. We need articles submitted for next month if we want to continue our recent tradition of a vibrant publication.

Chris Paveglio reported that autocross event results are posted on the website.

John Roscinski reported that the first rallycross of our championship series was held on April 5th. There were 31 competitors in attendance.

Chris Paveglio reported that a Supercar event is scheduled at the Farm Show on the same day as our double autocross in July.

The Carlisle non-series autocross is coming up. Paul Scuikas reported that the MG Club has been giving us good early enrollment. We can always use more volunteers to man (or woman) the event.

Chris handed out sample SCCA advertising leaflets. We will get more to distribute. A discussion was held about getting region specific cards printed. John Roscinski wants some supplies for the rallycross program like stickers and other items specifically for rallycross.

Autocross discussion. Our first event was rain soaked both days. How did the equipment handle the inclement weather? Apparently very well. Mark Houser reports that the only issue was an end of the finish cable. Once a replacement cable was installed we were trouble free. Mark will work on the ends to make sure they are intact before the next event. A discussion followed about taking better care of the wiring during cleanup. It was suggested that we replace the reel for the long finish cable with a more robust hose reel like CPA-PCA uses.

John Rudy reported a car show at the AACA museum on Saturday April 26th that benefits Castaway Critters. There have been interesting and varied cars there in the past. Definitely worth attending.

RE Paveglio adjourned the meeting at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner, secretary

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