Meeting Minutes: Mar. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

March 25, 204

The March 25 membership meeting was called to order at Gilligan’s Bar & Grill by Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, at 7:30pm. Dave Walter moved and Geoff Craig seconded that the January meeting minutes as printed in the Squeal be approved; the motion passed.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Expenses included the shared purchase of cones with Central PA PCA. The treasury is in fine shape at this time of year. The lot fee for two autocross dates in March at Hershey have been paid.

Steve Limbert reported that our membership has grown to a high of 306. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up Steve.

The Squeal newsletter has been published and emailed to the membership. The assembled membership thanked John Rudy for his continued efforts with the newsletter. Charlie Demmy added that upcoming events of interest to the membership include The Elegance at Hershey and later in the year, The Meeting of the Marques.

Chris Paveglio reported that autocross preregistration is coming along. Region calendars are printed and will be available at this weekend’s autocross.

John Roscinski reported that the rallycross series points schedule and rules have
been developed and will be published. A discussion was held pertaining to rallycross cone inventory. First rallycross event is next weekend (April 5th).

The club truck cleaning day was very successful with many volunteers pitching in. Thank you! Among other things the truck got new wipers and we discarded some ratty helmets and added some fresh ones.

A discussion was held on the state of the truck’s tires. John Rudy moved and Alan Pozner seconded that we purchase new tires. The motion passed.

Autocross discussion – Geoff previewed the schedule in detail. Alan Pozner will once again be on the PA to nag and keep the schedule. Kate Ritter passed along word that she is stepping down from registration except for this Sunday. The club thanks her for her years of devoted service.

In light of Kate’s vacating the position, we need people to step up for autocross and rallycross registration. If you want to serve your club, this would be a good way to start. So think about joining the registration team. Jeremy will be happy for your assistance.

Chris reported that “The Helmet Man” has offered the club a free helmet to give away. Although the exact details have to be ironed out Alan Lesher moved and Ed Womer seconded that we accept his generous offer in exchange for some advertising. The motion carried.

A discussion was held on the June Novice school. Alan Pozner will organize it. More details to follow in the newsletter.

Marcus Houser reports that renewal of the service contract for AxWare is due. We will continue this expense as Marcus feels it is worth it.

Henry Brillinger reported that long-time member Jack Witmer has passed away.

Chris Paveglio adjourned the meeting at 8:39.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner, secretary

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