Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2014

Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio called the meeting to order January 28 at 7:30pm at Gilligan’s Restaurant.

The minutes having been previously published in the Squeal, Dave Walter moved that they be approved; Alan Pozner seconded and the motion passed.

Treasurer Alan Lesher reported on the club finances. December had modest income and expenses included year-end trophies. The treasury remains in good shape. Steve Limbert moved and Henry Brillinger seconded that the treasurers report be approved. The motion passed.

Henry Brillinger reported that our membership remains stable at 286.

John Rudy reported that the January Squeal newsletter is in members’ hands. John was heartily thanked for a great issue. He reminds members that he always welcomes contributions on any car or club related topic.

Chris P. reported that there were no major changes to the website but pictures from the Holiday party will appear there. Rallycross committee reported that Blue Mountain region is having an event next month. The rallycross program would like some cones (older damaged ones) from the autocross program. Geoff Craig affirmed that they would be available.

The committee plans to have 4 rallycross events this year at the Farm Show auxiliary lot
on Elmerton Ave. This was a great venue for us and the Farm Show staff was happy with
the way we left the area. The club hopes that a good lot and a stable location will increase participation in the program.

An autocross committee scheduling meeting will be held at the home of Anne and Charlie Demmy on February 11th t 7:30. A discussion regarding a novice school in conjunction with the Central PA Porsche Club ensued. A brief discussion on classing was held. It was agreed to table it for the committee meeting in February.

Awards were given out for those who were unable to attend the banquet. Angela Slocum was awarded the ‘Most Sports Car Minded’ trophy and Dave Gernert received the Hogan award. A discussion continued regarding two yearly awards that do not have permanent trophies (the DeHart and the Ladd). It was pointed out that money was earmarked for them several years ago. Alan Pozner moved and Henry Brillinger seconded that funds be made available for the trophies even though the original dollar amount has increased. The motion passed.

Chris Paveglio reported that pricing for a club timing trailer was received from Featherlight that was far beyond our budget. Steve Limbert volunteered that he has ordered many trailers in the past and could assist in helping obtain a more budget friendly one.

Geoff Craig moved that in the future region trophies no longer have the chapter club insignias printed on them. Henry Brillinger seconded and the motion passed.

During the Good and Welfare period a lively discussion of the 24 Hours of Daytona and the new TUSCC ensued.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28pm.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner

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