Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2013

The November Membership Meeting was convened at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 7:29.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s report.

Steve Limbert announced that the Region has 285 members, one less than last month.

R.E. Chris Paveglio announced that an E-board meeting will be held on December 10 at Gilligan’s in order to review and establish awards for this year’s participation and performance.

The charge for a reservation for the Annual Banquet, to be held on January 18, 2014, was discussed. Henry Brillinger moved that the charge will be $10 per person, the same as last year. Motion carried.

It was announced that Anne Demmy was prepared to accept reservations and payment.

Charlie Demmy asked for an increase in the amount he could spend on door prizes for the Banquet. Steve Liimbert moved that the amount be increased from the current amount of $50 to $100. Motion passed.

Alan Lesher moved that between $40 and $50 be approved to reimburse John Rudy for part of the monthly cost of the Adobe software that John uses for the publication of The Squeal. Motion passed.

The request by National that we provide data about our AutoX participants was discussed. We do not routinely collect member numbers for walkups. To do so may cause some complications next year for registration.

A discussion was held about the possibility of awarding jackets instead of trophies for awards for certain categories of recognition. The cost and the complications involved diminished the interest in the proposal. No action was taken.

No additional nominations for 2014 region executives were offered for the slate nominated at the October meeting.

The following slate was elected by acclimation:

  • Regional Executive – Chris Paveglio
  • Assistant Regional Executive – Henry Brillinger
  • Treasurer – Alan Lesher Secretary – Alan Pozner Executive Board member for
  • 3 years – Markus Houser Meeting adjourned at 8:28. q

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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