Meeting Minutes: July 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

July 23, 2013

The July General Membership Meeting convened July 23, 2013 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 7:30 p.m. with regional executive Chris Paveglio presiding.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report. He said the income for June 2013 had been negative due to Autocross #4, but that there was a surplus for the year with the autocrosses run. He also said that since July is almost over, he should be getting the July statement, which will be discussed at the General Membership Meeting on August 27th.

Alan Lesher also made the motion to approve the June Minutes as published in The Squeal, with Dave Walter 2nd.

Henry Brillinger gave Alan Lesher invoices for the August and September events.

Steve Limbert gave the membership report. We have 283 members, which is a decrease of 4 from last month’s meeting.

Chris Paveglio, RE, gave the website report. Pre-registration is open for the upcoming events on August 18th. He further thanked John Rudy for compiling and publishing The Squeal.

John Roscinski said the Rallycross Sunday will determine the future of the event site usage. If the calcium the track applies helps keep down the dust, then there is a possibility of putting the September event back on the calendar.

Henry Brillinger said if Trail-Way Speedway can get the dust under control, then we can have additional events. It all pivots on adequate dust control.

Kate Ritter asked about the number of people needed for break even at a rallycross, to which Henry said 25 were necessary.

The Autocross Committee was then brought into the discussion. Geoff Craig, co-chair, said so far, we’re doing OK. He also said autocross chiefs should let people know if they weren’t going to be at an event and to make alternate arrangements.

Geoff mentioned that the group would meet at 6:30 a.m. this Sunday, as well as 10 am the Saturday before the double event. He also mentioned there would be a 45 minute break between morning and afternoon events.

Geoff also opened a discussion about resurrecting the PA State Championships, but as
a 1 day double event. Discussion ensued, and this will be discussed more in the off season.

Chris Paveglio mentioned that Jeremy Utterback discussed resurrecting the Road Rally series that had been held for eons by the Appalachian Sports Car Club. Charlie and Anne Demmy are both still Road Rally Safety Stewards, so that part is easier. This will be discussed more in the future. Charlie said the Rally MUST be set up under SCCA Road Rally Rules and with an SCCA sanction and insurance.

The Truck/Trailer committee needs to meet, and Chris Paveglio will be talking to people after the meeting. Geoff Craig asked about who to talk to at SCCA National, since they had have had a number of trailers built. Brian Harner’s and Howard Duncan’s names were mentioned, and this is going to be discussed in the future.

Charlie Demmy brought up the subject of Region Stickers. The last time the stickers had been produced was about 10 years ago, while Lynne DeHart was still regional executive. He got prices from Mike Snyder at SSC Tint and Graphics for square cut with white border around the Region Logo. Charlie made the motion to get 250 of the stickers from Mike, which Steve Limbert 2nd. Passed unanimously.

Henry Brillinger said the club had been offered the possible use of the Farm Show’s overflow parking lot on Elmerton Avenue to do an event on a Saturday. This is due to the area being used for the Flea Market on Sunday. The lot is 180 feet by 800 feet.

Steve Limbert said he’d been at the Pittsburgh Grand Prix and got to drive his road racing car on the streets of Pittsburgh, and who should he run into other than Charlie and Anne Demmy, who were marshalling the event.


A motion to adjourn was made by Henry Brillinger, with Steve Limbert 2nd. Meeting adjourned 8:28 p.m.

Dennis Cipriany, Region Secretary

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