Meeting Minutes: June 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

June 25, 2013

The June Membership Meeting convened June 25, 2013 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m. with Regional Executive Chris Paveglio presiding.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report. He said the income for the month far outweighed by the expenses. The June Autocross income was deposited June 2, and all the expenses for Rallycross #1 have been paid.

Year to date, Autocross expenses have exceeded income by a nominal amount, but with the June 2 deposit, it swings to a slight improvement.

For the Farm Show events, we have a break even of 124 cars/ day, with the Hershey events, it’s 54 cars a day. Autocross #3 we had 124 entrants, with 125 paid.

Steve Limbert gave the membership report. We have 287 members, which is an increase of 7 from last month’s meeting.

Chris Paveglio, RE gave the Web Site report. Pre-registration is open for the upcoming event, as well as the 7/7 double.

John Roscinski said the 9/29 Rallycross is officially dead. He’s working with Henry Brillinger for an alternate date, possibly at Trail-Way Speedway if they are able to get the dust under control.

Henry Brillinger said they will use calcium to control the dust, but after 7/28, we’ll have to wait and see. The calcium on the course will retain the moisture, which should help to control the dust.

The Autocross Committee was then brought into the discussion.

Geoff Craig, Co-chair, said the Sunday, 6/30 event is a go, as well as the 7/7 Double at the Farm Show.

Chris Paveglio questioned Markus Houser as to whether additional radios need to be ordered, which Markus said he would be getting 6 radios, purchased in pairs, complete with charger and rechargeable batteries.

Geoff mentioned that the group would meet at 6:30 a.m. this Sunday, as well as 10 am the Saturday before the double event.

The Truck/Trailer committee needs to meet, and Chris Paveglio will be talking to people after the meeting.

Alan Pozner mentioned that Porsche Club uses for their fees, since they’d had issues with My Markus said that the Pay Pal issues the region had had been resolved, and that PayPal reports the Weekend membership numbers directly to SCCA National Office. Alan Pozner made the motion to move the meeting from 8 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Geoff Craig 2nd the motion. Carried by unanimous acclimation.


Steve Limbert said Charlie Demmy did a great job with the 75th Anniversary of the Antique Automobile Club of America event, which had 38 imports, and an overall count of @ 200 for the Hillclimb and the Elegance. on / he had MGA/MGB parts available.

A motion to adjourn was made by Steve Limbert, with a 2nd by Alan Pozner. Meeting adjourned 8:38 p.m.

Dennis Cipriany, Region Secretary

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