Meeting Minutes: Apr. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 23, 2013

The April General Membership Meeting convened April 23, 2013 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m., R.E. Chris Paveglio presiding.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer ’s report, and said we had membership income from our first two autocrosses and memberships, but had the autocross bills from the first two autocrosses. The Truck insurance bill was paid.

Steve Limbert, membership chair, stated the membership had gone up 12 from 261 to 273.

John Rudy thanked everyone for getting articles in for The Squeal. For region members, free classified ads will be accepted for publishing in The Squeal on a monthly basis. Items not sold must have their ads renewed each month. Ads will not automatically be carried over.

Chris Paveglio gave the web report. Registration is up on the MAE web site for the rallycross, with entries already received.

John Roscinski said he was working on the details for the upcoming rallycross.

Henry Brillinger said we may be using Susquehanna Speedway as the event location for the September 29th rallycross. Henry also said the Harrisburg Stampede sports team may have an effect on our events at the Farm Show Complex. With this in mind, we’re looking into the possibility of 7/14 or 7/21 events at the Hershey A & B lots. Giants Despair Hillclimb conflicts with the 7/14 event and the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix conflicts with the 7/21 event. Henry will be applying for sanctions for both dates. Any schedule changes will be communicated on the web.

Chris Paveglio again brought up the aspect of additional people learning the timing systems and has set up Saturday, April 27th for this to occur in Palmyra. Alan Pozner said this breaks down into three parts: one person to run the computer, who is told about the cars from the two people observing at front of the truck.

Charlie Demmy said worker communication regarding the penalty for cars has been an issue, as cones are called in late, or not identified for the proper car.

John Rudy added that with pylon penalty calls, often workers will call the cone penalty by the car color or type of vehicle, not the car number. This needs to be addressed.

Alan Pozner said the paper numbers are small and sometimes hard to read. Chris Paveglio said we went to the paper numbers because people were using blue painter’s tape on blue cars, and such. We have the options to give out numbers or force the competitors to have their own SCCA regulation numbers.

As clear communication between workers and the timing truck is crucial, we may also want to instruct people at the drivers meetings on the correct way to use the radios.

Geoff Craig said the view and ergonomics from the club truck for autocrosses could use some improvement, and a lengthy discussion ensued regarding the possibility of getting a timing trailer.

Geoff Craig said the pace of the first two events went well, but Alan Pozner said he’d received negative opinions about the long delays. Henry Brillinger said even with the delays, we were done at 3:29 p.m, after running 147 cars on Sunday.

Alan Pozner said we should have a backup generator to our primary generator to allow us to still operate in the event of primary generator failure.

John Rudy asked about the backups for the timing lights. It was noted that there are three pairs of new timing lights, and five pairs of old timing lights.

Henry Brillinger mentioned there is a conflict for the double autocross event at the Farm Show, in that the site will not be available for setup on Saturday.

After much discussion, it was decided that the event would only be one event, rather than a double event.

Geoff Craig tasked Henry Brillinger with finding out the availability of August 18th and October 26th.

Steve Limbert said he had MGA/MGB parts available. Steve Hyatt, from Chambersburg, who is running for Area Director introduced himself.

A motion to adjourn was made by Steve Limbert, with a 2nd by Alan Pozner. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, Region Secretary

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