Meeting Minutes: Jan. 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2013

The January General Membership Meeting convened January 22, 2013 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m. with Regional Executive Chris Paveglio presiding.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report and said we had bills for the trophies, truck, and banquet. Over the past year, the Region treasury has grown a bit, due to taking over the Autocross series.

The club truck deficiencies have been corrected, and we’re now waiting on the truck graphics to be completed. This will involve:

  1. Retaining the ASCC logo;
  2. Adding the Region logo; &
  3. Putting the web address on the sides. This work should be completed before the February meeting.

At the banquet, Charlie Demmy paid for the door prizes and was reimbursed by Treasurer Alan Lesher.

Steve Limbert, membership chair stated the membership is now at 254.

Chris Paveglio, regional executive said the website report has not changed since the last meeting.

John Rudy made his monthly appeal for articles for The Squeal newsletter.

Henry Brillinger, assistant RE, said there will be three rallycross events this season. The location will be Trailways Speedway in Hanover.

A discussion was held about the B.R.A.K.E.S. program held at the Manheim Auto Auction, with the next event April 6th & 7th, with an instructor class at Lancaster County Public Services Training Center. This conflicts with our Region’s first two autocrosses, April 6th & 7th at Hershey’s large lot.

Henry made arrangements for the Region Banquet, to be held January 18th, 2014 at the Holiday Inn, Grantville.

Henry made the following motion: The Executive Board hereby authorizes our Regional Executive to incur the expenses and execute such contracts and other instruments that are necessary in order to routinely operate our Autocross and RallyCross events. The Executive Board reserves the right to review for approval or disapproval such proposed expenditures that are defined by The Board as not routine. Henry made the motion, Alan Lesher 2nd the motion passed.

Henry has sent out the required annual renewal documents to SCCA.

Chris moved on to the autocross information, with an autocross meeting at the Demmy’s on February 12th.

Geoff Craig, autocross chair, said he’d like to see the events run as two heats, with the possibility of three or four heats as needed. This will have to be changed for the Supplemental Regulations.

Henry said the Supplementals will have to be changed to be consistent with SCCA’s 2013 Solo Rules.

John Rudy mentioned that the Novice class has diluted the attendance in classes and recommended that the Novice Class be eliminated, but not the novice-style treatment of newcomers. Separate novice walk-throughs, individual instruction, and ride-alongs can continue.

Alan Lesher briefly talked about class consolidation/class elimination.

Geoff suggested that registration be kept open later.

Geoff also said the timing equipment and computers should be replaced. He said, “We need better hardware than we have.” He gave the costs for upgrading the timer, start finish line, and cables.

Dave Walter made the motion to upgrade the timing equipment, Geoff Craig 2nd. This passed unamiously.

Geoff suggested creating a board position of “Quartermaster ,” a person responsible for the truck and equipment. There was a good bit of discussion, but no resolution.

Dave Walter made the motion to adjourn, Henry Brillinger 2nd. Meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany

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