Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

November 27, 2012

The November General Membership Meeting convened at Gilligan’s on November 27, 2012 at 8:01 p.m.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurers Report. Geoff Craig submitted expenses for autocross timing equipment.

Henry Brillinger reported that our Region membership was 258, up 3 from last month.

Steve Limbert reported that a Parts and Performance Business has inquired if they could sponsor our autocross series. Steve will request a proposal from them.

John Roscinski and Adam Moore reported on the rallycross. Some changes being considered include the improvement in grid organization, the use of worker assignment sheets, the use of a worker assignment chief and the identification of corner stations. We are also looking for the Motorama event scheduled other rallycross sites.

Steve Limbert announced that a Board meeting will be held at 7:00 on Tuesday December 11 in the small room at Gilligan’s to discuss honorary ticket to the site and to the awards. Attending will be the Board of Directors plus Chris Paveglio and John Rudy. A follow up Board meeting will be held in early January if all issues are not resolved at the December 11 meeting.

Alan Lesher reported that he and Markus Houser moved the club truck to Alan’s shop where it will receive seat repair and roof leak repairs and will be located there until it is moved elsewhere for suspension repairs and window replacement.

In regard to the Year End Banquet, Henry Brillinger pointed out that the Holiday Inn requires us to have at least 60 and no more than 80 reservations. He explained that we have put a limit of 80 on the number of reservations we will accept. The event flyer says in effect, first come first served for reservations. Those at the meeting were told that they could make reservations with Anne Demmy there and then and a number did.

Steve Limbert proposed that members enter 4 or 5 cars in for the Farm Show and Expo Center on February 16 and 17 for the purpose of publicizing the club. Entry fee is $10 but entrants receive an admission other events that weekend. Alan Pozner proposed that we consider participating in the York Revolution Baseball Team’s Car Show this summer. The entry fee may be in the neighborhood of $50 but includes tickets to the game as well as lunch/dinner. Alan will bring more information to our next meeting.

The election of our officers for 2013 was held.

The slate of 2013 Officer Nominees was:

  • Regional Executive – Steve Limbert and Chris Paveglio
  • Assistant Regional Executive – Henry Brillinger
  • Treasurer – Alan Lesher Secretary – Dennis Cipriany Director – Geoff Craig

Steve Limbert withdrew his nomination. There were no additional nominations to the slate was finalized and the nominations closed.

The slate was approved by acclimation.

The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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