Meeting Minutes: March 2019

March 28, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:34 by Melissa Mauro. February meeting minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — given by Melissa Mauro

  • Membership Report: Currently we have 616 members; we do expect to see one more decline as the VW promotional members from 2018 fall off of the membership list.  Also, the 2019 bylaws have been finalized and are published on the website.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasurer’s report (Alan Lesher): AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed
  • Program Reports
    • AX report (Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro):
      • NEPA Region has extended an invite for us to run a combined event at their Regional events for June 14-16, allowing us to add 2 more points events to the Autocross season.  Everyone in attendance agreed to join in these events, so the Chairs will confirm with NEPA Region.
      • Supplemental Regulations are being updated. PAX changes are placing Prepared and Mod in one PAX class has been confirmed, and the Chairs will be reaching out to the competitors in Street Prepared classes to get a consensus before combining them into one PAX class.
      • Annual Tech went well, 11 competitors had their cars run through tech.  There will be a discussion to run Annual Tech at later events in the season due to the small turn out.
      • Carlisle has approved the region to use the venue for a Novice School on May 25.  Chairs will begin to prepare to get the event ready.
      • A Women’s Only Driving School discussed was opened again.  The venue is the main concern, as well as communicating with membership to see how much interest the region would have.  The Chairs will work to reach out to membership regarding interest, and will also work with the 2 possible venues for dates and pricing.
    • RX report (John Roscinski):
      • The Chairs have spent the last 2 weekends at Spooky Nook preparing the site and getting the course ready.  The lot does need some work due to some large craters in field.  The drag beam does not work well at Spooky Nook due to the grass on site.  They also went to the Farm Show lot, which is in rough shape, so they will need some additional equipment to prep the fields.  They will revisit this after the April events.
      • The RX 2019 Supplementals have been finished and published.
      • Season Subscription – This will be tabled until the 2020 season.
      • Contingency program – This will also be tabled until the 2020 season.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web report (Melissa Mauro):
      • Jake Limm, the webmaster was unable to attend, and Melissa Mauro did not fully understand the documents Jake provided to her for the report, so no report was given.
    • Facebook Report(Melissa Mauro): Things are going well. Kristen Poole has created events on Facebook for the upcoming Rallycross School/Event #1, and we have seen an uptick in traffic, so that marketing has been successful.
    • Squeal Report (Melissa Mauro): Open rate and click rate remain steady. Jake Limm created this month’s issue of the Squeal, officially taking over for Melissa Mauro.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro): The event has been successfully changed to July 20th.  The sanction was sent in and received.  The event was created by the National office, and 2 students have already signed up.  A motion was made by Melissa Mauro to be allowed to sign this particular contract for the venue, and to have a board member attest the contract.  The motion was passed, and Alan Lesher attested and signed the contract. Melissa will be creating a signup form for the coaches and event help.

Old Business:

  1. 2019 Track night in America Grant: We have not been granted the grant for this year.
  2. Update on opaque graphics on club truck: Markus Houser took pictures of the graphics that need replaced, and will be in touch with the person to replace them.  He is going to check on the price before we move forward, and if he wants to charge us, we may talk to Slow Sally’s or simply remove the opaque graphics.
  3. Update on the sale of the old truck: Bryan Roper has sold the truck, for $300.
  4. Discussion of club T-shirts: Kristen Poole will continue to work on the T-shirt design and will work to finalize this with the final push for any last minute sponsors.
  5. Discussion on Cars & Coffee:  Reopened the discussion for a 2019 Cars & Coffee event, and Austin Baker offered to work with Lisa Leathery and TJ Brillhart on this to look for a venue and check for dates.
  6. Update on sale of old timing equipment: BMR Region is no longer interested in purchasing the timing equipment from the region.  Markus Houser is going to list the equipment on eBay, and will do that before the April meeting.
  7. Continuation of NEDiv income: The discussion included putting 50% of the profits of NEDiv to put toward marketing and membership efforts.  The Board would like to review the TNiA Grant information before the money is allotted for that, and will need to be revisited at the April meeting.
  8. Pocono Event – TNiA Tent: Events dates were discussed to see if any of the members were interested in helping to man the tent during the events.  TJ Brillhart volunteered to go to the July 26-28, and the August 17-18 events.  Melissa Mauro will send the details to Kathy Barnes.
  9. Club Radios: Bryan Roper is going to reprogram the current radios to FRS frequencies to allow the radios to work better than they have been in the past.  Bryan called the FCC, and they told him that the Region can purchase a business license and use the current radios.  Bryan is going to continue to research the issue and will report back.

New Business:

  1. Membership Chair: TJ Brillhart introduced himself as the new Membership Chair.  He gave everyone the best way to communicate with him, and discussed ideas for the sponsorship packages.
  2. Elegance at Hershey: – Alan Lesher mentioned that the Vintage event is going to allow cars up to 1970 to participate.  He is going to sign up for the event, and will provide other information to see if any of the members are interested in participating.

Meeting adjourned at 21:50

Respectfully submitted — Melissa Mauro, Assistant Regional Executive

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