Meeting Minutes: June 2019

June 27, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Melissa Mauro. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report —

  • No RE report was provided

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report (Alan Lesher): AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership Committee report (Melissa Mauro): This month we are at 425 members.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web and Squeal report (Jake Limm): Open rate is higher than last month 31.5% open rate, 11% click links, and 1% unsubscribed. 46% increase in website use, 26% increase in visits, 50% increase in new users.
    • Facebook Report (Melissa Mauro): Things are going well holding at over 1k members.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report (Chris Brown and Melissa Mauro):
      • Event updates: Joint events were held with NEPA. 34 Susquehanna members participated.
      • Novice school: Due to site availability limitations and insufficient instructors no novice school will be able to he hosted for the 2019 season. Planning for the 2020 season will begin soon.
      • Woman’s driving school: Due to site availability issues the event will be postponed until the 2020 season. Planning for the 2020 season will begin soon.
      • AX Venues: We have some other sites in the work for the 2020 season.
    • RX report (John Roscinski and Nick Landis):
      • Event update: The course was big and fast which everyone seemed to enjoy. The neighbors at the event were not happy with the amount of the dust and the lack of notification of the event. We are looking at getting a water truck to keep the dust down.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Street Survival 7/20/19 (Chair, Melissa Mauro): Things are progressing well. 21 participants and 15 coaches are signed up. Everything is going well. Melissa wanted to make a motion to offer a $20 off an event incentive for each coach. The motion was made, seconded and carried.
    • Road Rally (Chair, Lisa Leathery): Lisa was unavailable for the meeting so no update was provided.

Old Business:


  1. Update on Opaque Truck Graphics: Markus will get the graphics applied to the truck after the graphics are printed. He will attempt to have it completed prior to the Tire Rack Street Survival.
  2. Cars & Coffee: Austin Baker spoke with Knoebel’s Amusement Park and secured 80 spots reserved and a pavilion. It is $18 for 50 cups of coffee, if we want to add on to the event, we could get a grill for an addition a $30 and do the event from 9-noonish. The date available is August 31st. There are no contracts that would need signed nor are there any fees for the use of the pavilion, if the event needs to be cancelled there would be no penalties. The date is not in conflict with any events. We could change it from cars and coffee to cookout with cars or something else. Knoebel’s has also indicated that anyone attending the event would be entitled to purchase ride tickets at a discounted price. Austin will check with the park to see if any additional dates may be available. The potential event will be polled on Facebook to gage interest.
  3. Radios: Documentation was received. An attempt to contact the local FCC office in Gettysburg was unsuccessful. We will continue to try and verify all documents are correct with that office. We may need to get 2 replacement radios. Some additional testing with the new lot will need to be completed prior to getting additional radios.


New Business:


  • Slow Sally’s Turn Up the Pink: Our sponsor Slow Sally’s does a yearly car show called Turn Up the Pink to benefit the Feel Your Boobies Foundation. Their event is being held Sept 14th which does happen to be when the second joint NEPA event is going on. Adam Moore would like to have a SCCA booth at the event. To get a booth is $50 or $100 depending on the size spot. He would like to get some AX, RX, Rally Cross, etc cars there to help get the Susquehanna SCCA Club out to more of the public. The proposal was well received by the board. A motion was made to get a $100 spot at the event. The motion was seconded and carried. Adam will be the contact for event. More information will follow on the website and in the Squeal.
  • Spooky Nook AX events: AX was to have exclusive access to 1 or 2 of the back lots for truck and trailer parking during events. Due to their number of booked events on site they are revoking access to those lots. For us to have a reasonable size lot we would need to use the driving range lot across the street. To do that would be an additional 200 an event in lot rental. It was expressed use not written into the lot rental contract. Since the agreement was verbal there is nothing we can fall back on to keep the lot usage. Since the space is needed a motion was made to allocate an additional 200 to the lot rental fees for AX to keep the driving area the same size. Motion was seconded and carried.


Good and welfare:

  1. No items were discussed.

Meeting adjourned @ 20:30

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes

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