Meeting Minutes: August 2019

RE Report.  Kristen Poole opened the meeting at 19:30, previous minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher. AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.  Truck registration was reviewed.  34 entrants from Susquehanna participated in the June Pocono event.
Website Report. Jake Limm.  Significant rise in website traffic.  65% in unique users on website.  24% open rate on the Squeal.
Facebook Report.  Melissa Mauro.  Everything going well.  Increase in participation.
Membership Report.  TJ Brillhart.  Latest report shows 396 members.  4 new members and 12 expirations as of June 2019.  Places Susquehanna into a medium region.
Autocross report.  Melissa Mauro.  Recap of 8/4 event.  Event went well despite a few logistical challenges.  Survey reports showed tech and registration went well along with course design.  Two weak points were the grid setup and the food offerings.  Both to be addressed before next event.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis. Recap of 8/10 event.  39 competitors signed up.  Farmshow event went smoothly.  Suggestion was made to reach out to neighbors to preemptively address the dust issue.
Street Survival Report.  Melissa Mauro.  Dates of a fall a TRSS were discussed with the LCC.
Road Rally Report.  Lisa Leatherly was absent.  No new information to report.
Old Business:
Cars and cookout.  Melissa Mauro.  Grille is provided for no cost.  Facebook event was created and shared in the Squeal.
New Business
SCCA Trek program was discussed and information to be posted on the website.
Meeting adjourned at 20:27.

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