Meeting Minutes: January 2020

January 2020 Meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted. Charter renewal information must be sent to nationals with updated by-laws.

Sponsorship Report. The Zebra and Big Rents have expressed interest to be sponsors, but have not paid yet. More places are being pursued.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  End of year report was discussed.
Website/Squeal Report. Jake Limm.  Squeal has slight decrease in viewing and engagement.  50% increase in website traffic with increased session time spent.
Facebook Report.  Melissa Mauro.  A little over 1300 members.
Membership Report.  Andrew Lobb. Currently at 391 members. 4 vehicles have been selected for the SCCA showing at Motorama.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  Registration and worker chief positions are still vacant for 2020.  A planning meeting is needed sometime is February to finalize dates between both programs.  More venues are being searched for the 2020 season with Lisa Leatherly leading the venue search.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis. All chief positions are filled and dates are being discussed.
Road Rally Report.  Kristen Poole.  Susquehanna received an award for best new road rally program in 2019.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro.  Recap of banquet.  100 people attended the banquet.  New location for future banquets was discussed.
New Business  Melissa Mauro.  2020 Sponsorship information is updated and available on the website.
Andrew Lobb and Nick Landis gave a Motorama update.  4 scca cars are attending and everyone is encouraged to attend and even enter their own car to promote the club.
Melissa Mauro.  2020 sponsorship offered to Tom Hamm for the photography he does for the club.
Motion made by Nick Landis to allow Melissa Mauro, as the RE, to execute contracts on behalf of the club without board approval, seconded, and passed.
Meeting adjourned at 20:20.

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