Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

August 28, 2012

Region Executive Steve Limbert called the August 28 meeting to order at 7:58 p.m. at Gilligan’s in Harrisburg.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report, and stated that Autocross income was farther ahead of cost this year than last.

Henry Brillinger reported that we have 273 members, up one from last month.

John Rudy, newsletter editor, said he appreciated the contribution of articles for the last newsletter and is looking forward to submissions for the next issue.

Heavy rain intervened during the second of the two Autocrosses that we held at the Farm Show Complex on August 26 and caused that event to be halted.

Chris Paveglio reported that the results for the first event had been posted on the Region
website and the results of the second event will be posted soon. Geoff Craig explained that the approach to the scoring of the second event would be that if a competitor received
only one run, everyone in the class only gets his/her first run. The same logic would follow
for the receipt of two or three runs. PAX competition would be scored on only their first run.

A discussion was held about alternative ways to operate our Autocrosses. Previous discussions about the fees charged for and the method of operation of our Autocrosses had been previously discussed and tabled until the off season. There was no objection to an informal tabling of this discussion of the operating procedures till then as well.

Chris Paveglio introduced a motion to refund the entry fee of Mike Steward. The motion failed due to the lack of a second.

Alan Lesher introduced a motion to form a committee to research the replacement of the club truck and acquire a trailer. Motion was seconded by Markus Houser. Motion carried.

Henry Brillinger introduced a motion to charge $10.00 to attend the Annual Awards Banquet to be held on January 12, 2013. Motioned was seconded by Dave Walter. Motion carried unanimously.

Henry Brillinger introduced a proposal to hold a RallyCross at the Susquehanna Speedway since we now have Region members that have RallyCross Safety Steward Licenses and experience in designing those courses. We held a RallyCross event there on Susquehanna’s grass parking lot in November 2005 but we had to have the help of the Divisional Safety Steward to do it. This time we will be running on the race track and our own members will be able to put on the event.

Markus reported that the two new computers were purchased and the electric eye repaired. An extension line for the score board display will be put together by Geoff Craig.

The chair asked whether there was any more business. There was none, so he declared the meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Henry Brillinger for Dennis Cipriany, Region Secretary

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