Meeting Minutes: February 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Financials were discussed.  Payments from banquets came in.
Website/Squeal Report. Jake Limm.  Squeal has slight decrease in viewing and engagement.
Facebook Report.  Jason Felty is now the Social Media admin – (His report was read by Melissa Mauro) 39 new posts, 3 declines in memberships, 4 posts deleted.  1436 members.
Membership Report.  Andrew Lobb. Currently at 399 members. 13 new members.  3 more than last month. Goal is 410 next month.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  Schedule was posted on the Facebook group as well as joint venture with the NEPA region.  Lisa will continue to do venue acquisition.  A driving school is being discussed with a test and tune.  Rob Springer has been added as a third Autocross program Chair.  Registration and worker chief still needed.
Rich Thomas is now the grid chief.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis. Rallycross dates are posted.  With a test and tune day before the season opener.  Potential new venues are still being researched.
Road Rally Report.  Lisa Leathery  Barn Quilt rally to be hold second or third week in October.  A spring Sunday is being discussed for a Perry County rally.
Banquet Discussion. Melissa Mauro.  Discussion of moving yearly venue to Friday instead of Saturday was discussed.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro.  Bylaw edits need minor changes.
New Business  Melissa Mauro.  Annual tech is planned for March 22.
                          New social media policy from nationals in now in effect.
Meeting adjourned at 20:30.

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