Meeting Minutes: July 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

July 24, 2012

Region Executive Steve Limbert called the July membership meeting to order on July 24, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. at Gilligan’s in Harrisburg Steve welcomed two new people to the meeting, Adam and John Rozinski, who run Rallycross with a ’99 Subaru Impreza.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report, and stated autocross income is a bit ahead of last year. He’s paying for the Double Doubles on August 19th and August 26th.

Henry Brillinger reports that we have 272 members, down three from last month.

John Rudy, newsletter editor, said he’d had a wealth of articles for the last newsletter, but also that he needs to get articles from the principals of the Region.

Alan Lesher mentioned we should be looking ahead to getting a newer, more modern timing vehicle. We’ve having on- going expenses with our current vehicle.

John Rudy reported there had been discussion on-line about the costs and scheduling of the Double events. It was noted that Susquehanna’s event entry fees are actually lower than events held by surrounding clubs.

Markus Houser said the reason for the Double Double events at the Farm Show is the high cost of the Farm Show lot rental and the limited availability of the Hershey lots during the summer due to Hersheypark being open.

Part of the on-line criticism was the entry cost associated with the back-to-back August Double weekends. Unfortunately, lot availability is often not as flexible as we’d like. A more balanced chedule will be explored for next year. Markus Houser commented that the Double Doubles are trying for the core workers and driver/workers alike.

Chris Paveglio, Webmaster, said photos, results and series points from the most recent autocrosses are posted on the website.

Charlie Demmy reported on Region merchandise. He said the Polo Shirts we’d gotten earlier
in the year are nearly gone and would need to be re-ordered in lots of 12 each.

A cost analysis of the events was discussed. The topic of entry fees was raised. Dave Walter made the motion that this topic be discussed in the off-season. Motion carried.

Discussion on making registration at the events running smoother.

Alan Pozner made the motion to not change the prices but table the motion until October. Geoff Craig 2nd.

Anne Demmy discussed timing when an Instructor is driving; times don’t count. If the instructor is in the passenger ’s seat, then the driver ’s time is recorded.

Paul Sciukas mentioned that on instructor runs, timing needs to know who is behind the wheel before the run.

Geoff Craig mentioned the instructor badges are to ensure we can control who’s an instructor, and will have to be better policed. John Rudy also mentioned that an instructor cannot run before his own runs. He told of a previous Divisional where a club member was checking out the course at low speed, but was disqualified as pre-running the course is not allow in the rules. This may need to be discussed in the off-season regarding the Supplemental Rules.

Driver’s School will be left until next year, as it’s too late to make arrangements this year.

John Rudy also mentioned that a number of competitors pay the weekend membership fee at each event rather than pay for a full SCCA membership. Alan Pozner noted that it is less expensive.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Geoff Craig reported we had one electric eye malfunction, that needs repaired. Alan Lesher made the motion to authorize $150 for repairs. Henry Brillinger 2nd, passed unanimously.

Geoff Craig thanked everyone for the work at the events.

Good and Welfare: Charlie Demmy said there was a ’67 Austin Healey on Ebay.

Steve Limbert is still doing the Annual Tech for Road Racers, so contact him at Aircooled Racing, 717-432-4116 for an appointment.

Motion to adjourn by Henry Brillinger, 2nd by Dave Walter. Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, region secretary

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