Meeting Minutes: June 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

June 26, 2012

The June General Membership Meeting convened June 26, 2012 at Gilligan’s in Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m.

Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report, and with the autocross season in full swing, with the Carlisle May Import Show and the region’s double autocross event earlier in June, our finances are doing well.

Steve Limbert asked how our treasury was doing compared to last year, which is a difficult comparison, since Appalachian Sports Car Club was active at that time. Alan said that from the data he had with him, our income and treasury are ahead of last year.

Steve Limbert, RE, said Dennis Cipriany was celebrating his 40th Anniversary in SCCA.

Dennis explained that he had joined SCCA as a member of NEPA Region, and has been
a member of Susquehanna Region since 1986, being Secretary for the majority of that time, terms as Director and Solo Board Chairman. His initial sports car was a ’62 Austin Mini 850, that he converted to a full 1293 Cooper S. He has been a Fiat owner since ‘73 and now owns two Fiat X 1/9s, an ’80 and ‘86. The ‘80 started life in the Harrisburg area, went to Huntsville, Alabama and was made into a 4-time D/SP championship winning car [with Dennis co- driving for Steve Hoelscher]. The ’80 is being renovated for next season. The ’86 Fiat/Bertone. The ’86, which initially competed in D/SP back in ’98 and ‘99, may be converted back to the street as it was a street registered car.

Guest Jonathan Heit [sic], a rallycross person, discussed our autocross series at the Carlisle May event. He’s interested in running some of the series events.

Henry Brillinger said we have 275 members, same as last month.

John Rudy, newsletter editor, said all the links to websites in The Squeal are live and can be used to get to the locations mentioned. Chris Paveglio, webmaster, said The Squeal is on the website, as are photos taken by him and John Rudy from the most recent autocrosses. Chris said the July 8th and July 22nd Autocrosses registration is open on

Greg Hagan has stepped down from the autocross committee chair position, citing increased demands at his job. Chair duties are now split between Kate Ritter and Geoff Craig.

Steve Limbert mentioned that York Auto Group was interested in hosting an autocross. Steve will look into it.

The renting of a hand washing station along with the porta-johns at the Giant Center lot was approved. We have access to the permanent restrooms when we are at the larger lot.

Geoff Craig opened a discussion on converting the new display to a wireless configuration as well as the acquisition of two new laptop computers to be researched and completed by Markus Houser. Alan Lesher made a motion, John Rudy seconded to allocate the funds for the computer purchases and wireless hookup of the display. Motion carried.

Kate Ritter asked if there were ways to make registration more efficient for our double events and there was discussion about an autocross database to help streamline registration.

Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Good and Welfare: Steve Limbert is still doing the Annual Tech for Road Racers, so contact him at Aircooled Racing, 717-432-4116, for an appointment.

Motion to adjourn made by Henry Brillinger, seconded by Daren Stonesifer. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, region secretary

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