Eboard Minutes: Mar. 2012

Susquehanna Executive Board Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2012

The March Executive Board convened March 27, 2012 at 7:30 PM at Gilligan’s in Harrisburg. Alan Lesher gave the treasurer’s report. He had pre-paid the Hershey events and some other expenses. He’s working toward finalizing the My Auto Events account details.

Steve Limbert, RE, introduced three guests, Stephen, Tracy and Dominick Hyatt.

Henry Brillinger said we have 269 members, highest since June ’11. He also said the National order form for merchandise was outdated. There’s now a 2012 Region order form as well as a personal 2012 merchandise order form.

Steve Limbert said that Penske Tire representatives said Goodyear was getting back into the Solo tire business, with a possible presentation at the April 24th meeting.

Charlie Demmy discussed the upcoming hillclimb, The Grand Ascent & The Elegance. It will take place in Mid June, with about 80 cars in four race groups. Sunday Morning, there will be a foot race up the hill. Edsel Ford II will be the event’s Grand Chairman. It will also feature 60+ of the finest collector cars displayed through the formal gardens behind the Hershey Hotel.

The Meadows will feature 20-30 vendors. Charlie said they’re going all out this year and the event is eligible for Vintage points. After the success of last year’s event, Hershey awarded the organizers a six-year contract.

Dave Walter is heading up core workers this year, so if you’re interested, contact Dave.

Markus Houser said the three new Road Tire classes are being well subscribed so far. Alan Pozner mentioned that we now have 40 Open Classes and 40 Ladies Classes.

The RT classes were again discussed as a way to help keep drivers returning to our events. Competing on road tires will help keep costs down, compared to “R” compound tires.

Markus Houser reported the new electronic display works with any PC and it’s baptism under fire will be the first two events at Hershey.

Steve Limbert is still doing the annual tech for road racers, so contact him at Aircooled Racing, at 717-432-4116 for an appointment.

There being no other Old Business, we transitioned to New Business.

Charlie Demmy mentioned that he is on the AACA Museum committee and has the capability to get Polo Shirts from the museum’s supplier with Susquehanna Region’s Logo. He made the motion that the Region pursue the Polo Shirt acquisition and get a dozen shirts made up to sell to region members. This was seconded by John Rudy.

Dave Walter proposed and Alan Pozner seconded an amendment the Region pickup the setup fee and order two dozen shirts. Original motion and amendment passed unanimously.

Greg Hagan said he’d been pursuing an autocross school, but is having problems with site acquisition. Steve Limbert charged Greg to come back to the April meeting with a proposal. Geoff Craig mentioned about possibly having it at the Farm Show after an event. Details will be forthcoming.

John Rudy said Autocamp has been the major autocross series sponsor for a number of years, and Alan Pozner suggested the Region pursue that again.

John Rudy will pursue offering business card size ads in “The Squeal”.

Chris Paveglio said he has the autocross series trophies.

Dave Walter mentioned about the MARRS season starting soon.

Henry Brillinger made the motion to adjourn, and Dave Walter seconded. Meeting adjourned @ 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, secretary

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