Meeting Minutes: July 2020

Board meeting called to order at 19:20, 7/23/2020

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro – June minutes passed as posted with a few punctuation changes.  Two rallycross items to be addressed.  A non-member was seen on Facebook using the Rallycross course at the Farm Show without permission.  Farm Show was notified.  The Harrisburg Flying Club requested donations from the Rallycross program for use of the lot.  Farm Show was notified and the Flying Club was told they won’t be receiving any money from the program as per the contract Susquehanna Region is with Farm Show only.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher, read by Melissa Mauro. Zero income for the year due to no events because of the pandemic.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  Recap from Dallastown event.  Event went well.  Logistical issues with COVID were prevalent to help learn for future events such as radio usage and cleaning.  Self tech was discussed for future events to make sure cars are actually teched properly.  New dates were proposed to Farm Show, autocross agreed to take 8/29 and 10/3 (possible joint event with NEPA).  First event is in two days.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis.  Rallycross agreed to take 9/26 and 10/24 for two potential new Rallycross dates. Progress is being made on the Rausch Creek venue.  Safety and logistic aspects are being reviewed including fire protocols.  Possible fire training day is needed for future stage rally events. First Rallycross event is slated for 8/1.  Discussion of allowing UTV’s at Rallycross events was had.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro. Motion made to purchase chief polo shirts for 2020.  Motioned seconded and passed.
Rob Springer-Truck will be looked over by Mark Hetrick due to check engine light turning on.
Meeting adjourned at 20:44.
Due to COVID, this meeting was for Board Members only, so there were no Facebook, Squeal, Membership, or website reports.

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