Eboard Minutes: Feb. 2012

Susquehanna Executive Board Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2012

The February Executive Board convened February 28, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. at Gilligan’s.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report and said he and Markus Houser will have to set up the PayPal account to be able to use PayPal services, which will take place shortly.

Steve Limbert, RE made the motion that: The autocross committee will consider and have the authority to approve and implement appropriate changes to our autocross event policies and procedures.

The Executive Board hereby authorizes the Regional Executive to incur the expenses and execute such contracts and other instruments that are necessary in order to routinely operate our autocross events.

The Executive Board reserves the right to review, for approval or disapproval, such proposed expenditures that are defined by the Executive Board as not routine. Dave Walter seconded the motion.

In discussion, three points were questioned:

  • What is the authority of the Autocross Committee?
  • Who has the authority for day-to-day costs?
  • Who has the control/monitoring of those costs?

The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Board was turned over to Greg Hagan, Autocross Committee Chairman at 7:37 p.m.

Markus Houser had received a quote on an additional autocross display, which was previously approved for purchase.

Greg Hagan discussed the trophy glassware information submitted by Chris Paveglio, which was approved for acquisition. Greg also led discussion of the Novice wording in the rules that had been sent out, which was accepted.

Autocross portion adjourned at 8:00 p.m. and the General Membership meeting was called to order.

Alan Lesher, treasurer, said the solo account will be merged into the general account in the near future.

Alan Pozner made the motion to have the treasurer give the Regional Executive the treasurer’s report by paper, rather than verbally. Chris Pavelgio seconded. Motion passed.

Henry Brillinger gave the membership report. The Region has 266 members, up two from last month. Henry also reported that membership has been steady at that level over the past few months.

Chris Paveglio said the sub-website for ASCC has been changed, and the mobile web site was changed as well.

John Rudy made the motion to resurrect the Susquehanna Region newsletter, The Squeal, and that it be distributed electronically to all Region members. Seconded by Geoff Craig. Dennis Cipriany suggested sending a note to Region members by e-mail, stating The Squeal has been revived and to solicit editorial contributions for it. The motion to resurrect passed unanimously.

John Rudy made a motion for the Region to adopt a member participation points system similar to that used for many years by ASCC. The motion was seconded by Dave Walter. After some discussion, the motion carried.

Some additional items also discussed were tabled until the next meeting.

Good and Welfare?

Dave Walter made a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

The autocross meeting was re-opened, with discussion about the Region’s 2012 Novice Program and SCCA’s new Street Tire Classes. There will be three Street Tire classes covering front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive and all- wheel drive vehicles. More details will be given later.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, secretary

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