Meeting Minutes: August 2020

Board and chair meeting called to order at 7:24pm, 8/27/2020.

RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-July minutes passed as posted.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Finances were discussed from the first Autocross and Rallycross events.  Income received from Motorsport Reg.  Updates were made to the club truck insurance policy.
Website and Squeal Report. Jake Limm read by Melissa Mauro.  The website is working well.  July events drove website traffic.  50% open rate on the Squeal.
Facebook Report.  Jason Felty.  24 new members, 4 deleted posts.  Two rules added to the Facebook group.  No profanity and keep posts car/club related.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  Event went really well.  Positive feedback was received for general operations and the course lay out.  Incident was reported to Farm Show security, security stated that no property needed replaced and the incident report was closed.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis.  Next event is September 26.  There is also an event slated for October 24.  Year end awards were discussed due to lesser number events.  Supplemental rules state there still needs to be year end awards.  A poll should be created to ask the participants and members what type of trophies they are interested in.
Rallysprint Report. Nick Landis. Course setup was reviewed.  Certain changes need to be made for approval.  Logistical issues were discussed in preparation of meeting safety requirements for a future event.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro. Polo shirts for chiefs were discussed.  Did not receive a quote back.
                        Melissa Mauro. Loaner helmet program for 2020 through the National office was discussed and what is needed to apply for it.
Meeting adjourned at 20:24.

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