Meeting Minutes: October 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:11, October 22, 2020 at ABC.
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro. September minutes posted as is on the website.
Treasurer Report. Alan Lesher. Finances were discussed for the month of September.  Income from the autocross and rallycross events was brought in.Income expected to be a month behind due to changes in how MSR bills.  All venue expenses are paid out through the year.
Membership Report. None.
Social Media Report. Jason Felty.  41 new members, 9 declines, 1 deleted post.
Website/Squeal Report. None
Autocross Report.  Chris Brown, Rob Springer, Melissa Mauro.  Recap of 10/3 events with NEPA.  Event ran smoothly.  $340 received from NEPA for joint Pocono event.  Recaps of discussion of novice driver policy.  Single events for 10/31 and 11/1.
Rallycross Report.  Nick Landis & John Rosckinski.  Recap of 9/26 event.  Event went well.  Next event is 10/24.  Motion made to allow winner of rallycross charity event and each match tour one free entry into a 2021 event totaled at $185.  Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Road Rally.  Melissa Mauro.  No events will happen in 2020.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro. Safety vest were ordered.
New Business-Melissa Mauro. National loaner helmet program.  SCCA branded loaner helmets are being offered for $75 each from nationals.  Motion made for 8 helmets to purchase.  Seconded and passed unanimously.
                    Alan Lesher-Old awards in the truck need to be removed.  See if they can be donated to SCCA archives museum or Eastcoast Motor Racing Museum.
Rallysprint Report.  Nick Landis.  Chair and chief recommendations were made for the rally sprint program.  Chief-Nick Landis.  Registration-Andy Bierach. Safety-Adam Moore.  Worker-TBD.  Timing-Chris Bershein.  Tech-Alan Gouker.  Sweep Captain-Mike Chilcote.  Recommendations were recorded by Melissa, to be taken into consideration for appointment for 2021.
Nomintations. Jared McGahen
Regional Executive:
Nick Landis (nominated by William Westbrook) declined
Stephen Hyatt (nominated by Lisa Landis) accepted
Incumbent-Melissa Mauro (nominated by Chris Brown, Jake Limm, Natalie Limm, Bryan Roper, Jared McGahen, Kristen Poole) accepted
Assistant Regional Executive:
Nick Landis (nominated by Lisa Landis) accepted
Rich Thomas (nominated by Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown, Jake Limm, Natalie Limm, Jared McGahen, Kristen Poole) accepted
Jared McGahen (nominated by Natalie Limm, Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown) accepted
Mike Chilcote (nominated by Bryan Roper, William Westbrook, Lisa Landis) accepted
Alan Lesher (nominated by Melissa Mauro, William Westbrook, Chris Brown, Bryan Roper, Lisa Landis, Natalie Limm, Jared McGahen) accepted

Treasuer position is unopposed


Director 3 year:
Andy Bierach (nominated by Lisa Landis, Bryan Roper) accepted
Mike Chilcote (nominated by Jared McGahen) declined

Director position is unopposed


Meeting adjourned at 20:01.

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