Meeting Minutes: November 2020

Meeting called to order November 19, 2020, 19:15.  Location: ABC Brewery.
Open Voting– Jared McGahen – Floor was opened for in person voting in club elections.
RE Report– Melissa Mauro – October minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report– Alan Lesher –  AX and RX income was reported.  Susq to send money to NEPA for NEPA members who participated in the joint 10/3 event.
Membership Report–  Alex Pankiw – 411 members, 26 new members.
Website & Squeal Reports–  Jake Limm, read by Melissa Mauro – Uptick in website views attributed to points and results viewing.  Website is mostly working.  Squeal has a 30% open rate.  Website does need a general update as some pages haven’t been touched in years.
Autocross Report–  Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown, Rob Springer –  Survey questions were discussed to be sent out to gain feedback about the season.  Discussion was had on training more people in new positions.  Fiat Club of Lancaster expressed interest in hosting an event June 25, 2021 and asked for assistance from our club in hosting it.  Discussion of possible winter autocross events during downtime for venues.
Facebook Report–  Jason Felty – 20 new members, 5 declines.  New policy of two angry reacts to a post automatically triggers a notification to admins.
Rallycross Report–  Nick Landis, John Roscinksi –  Recap of 10/24 event.  46 competitors.  $1800 was raised for the charity portion of the event.  Motion to get reusable novelty check for donation, seconded, passed unanimously.  Overall, 2020 season went well despite hardships faced.
Banquet Report–  Melissa Mauro –  Limited to 50 people inside.  Discussion was had to move to the spring and reassess then.  Meeting for year end awards was pushed to January.
Old Business
Loaner helmets.  Marcus Houser, Melissa Mauro.  7 loaner helmets were ordered under the national promotion.
Timing Equipment.  Marcus Houser.   Upgrade of timing beams is needed after incurring damage.  Motion to replace emitters with newest models (qty 3), seconded, passed unanimously (cost TBD).  Rallycross equipment need to upgrade the wireless transmitter.  Motion for $100 to upgrade, seconded, unanimously passed.
Rallysprint Report–  Nick Landis – John Westbrook was recommended as co-chair.  Mike Julian was recommended as worker chief.  Kyle Salerno was recommended as timing chief.
Election Results–  Jared McGahen –  Alan Lesher won Treasurer unopposed.  Andy Bierach won Director unopposed.  Melissa Mauro won Regional Execute over Steve Hyatt, 78-21.  Rich Thomas won Assistant Regional Executive over Nick Landis, 57-42.  Jared McGahen won Secretary over Mike Chilcote, 66-33.  No in person votes were cast.
Sponsorship Report–  Melissa Mauro.  Discussion of 2021 sponsorships was had.
Adjourned at 20:12.

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