Meeting Minutes: April 2021

March meeting called to order April 22, 2021, 19:10.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro.  March minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher.  Results of the audit were discussed.  Most season expenses were paid.  Income still to be received once events begin.  General season expenses and incomes were discussed.  Discussion to get all the events on MSR ahead of time so members can see them.  Breakeven analysis were discussed for autocross events.
Membership Report-Andrew Lobb.  31 new members.  Currently at 433  members.  3 expired members.
Website/Squeal-No report given
Facebook Report-Jason Felty. 34 new members approved.  3 declined request.  Community strike received for a member using the gorilla.
Autocross Report-Melissa Mauro.  April 10 opening event was fun but slightly chaotic with the banquet during lunch.  Safety issues were discussed after the event to discuss things that occurred during the event.
Rallycross Report-John Roscinski, Nick Landis.  43 people showed up to the practice event.  More effort to be made to get weekend membership users to get a full membership.  Motion made by John Roscinksi for $150 for voice amplifiers and dry erase board, seconded, and passed (board vote only).
Rallysprint Report-Nick Landis.  Still on track for May 8.  Currently a low registration count.  Video to be made to encourage more participation and sign ups.
Old BusinessLoaner Helmets-Helmets finally arrived from national office.
New Business-none

Meeting adjourned at 20:06.

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