Meeting Minutes: September 2021

September Meeting called to order September 23, 2021, 18:55.

RE REPORT – Melissa Mauro.  August minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report – Alan Lesher.  Expenses were discussed.  Currently at a net profit for the year.  No major expense surprises occurred.
Membership Report – Jared McGahen.  Currently at 465 members.
Website/Squeal – Jake Limm.  Squeal has similar open rate as previous months.   Website billing and finances were discussed.  One Squeal subscriber is from Italy.
Facebook Report – Jason Felty. 37 new members approved.  9 declined requests.
Autocross Report – Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown.  No events to recap.  Plans to have the Oct 2 event be a regular double-header points event.  Plans for the final event to be a points event in the morning and a mini match tour in the afternoon.  Motion made by Melissa Mauro to provide 3 $40 credits, totaling $120 for the winners of each match tour class.  Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Rallycross Report – John Roscinski.  No event to recap.  Next event is scheduled for Sept 26.
Rallysprint Report – John Roscinski.  Second event of the year is slated for October 30th.  Event logistics were discussed to due to the fact autocross has an event that day as well.
Road Rallly – Melissa Mauro.  With Lisa Leathery not being present and no action being taken, road rally discussions were tabled until 2022.
Old Business – none
New Business – Rich Thomas expressed interest in looking into an event in which local police could participate at a Susquehanna event in 2022.  He asked for additional help, with Jason Felty offering to assist in the planning.
Melissa Mauro – Discussion of the 2022 nomination process was discussed, reviewing the methods to do this per the bylaws.  An email will be sent to all Susquehanna Region members via email and the nominations will be conducted electronically through as well as in person at the October meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 19:46.

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