Meeting Minutes: October 2021

October Meeting called to order October 28, 2021, 19:00.

RE Report – Melissa Mauro.  September minutes passed as posted.  Jared McGahen has resigned his position as Secretary of the Regional Board.  Mike Chilcote has been elected in as the interim Secretary for the remainder of 2021.
Treasurer Report – Alan Lesher.  Expenses were discussed.  Currently at a net profit for the year.  No major expense surprises occurred.
Website/Squeal – Jake Limm. Website traffic is trending downwards. Open rate for the Squeal is down.
Facebook Report – Jason Felty. Autocross and Rallycross pages both being managed efficiently with timely approvals. Autocross, 5 declines. Rallycross, 11 declines.
Autocross Report – Melissa Mauro, Chris Brown, Rob Springer.  Last event on October 30th. Rain predicted. Afternoon match tour event planned.
Rallycross Report – John Roscinski.  Discussed final two events of the Rallycross season.
Rallysprint Report – John Roscinski.  No report was provided, but event will run as scheduled, even with the rain forecast.
Old Business – none
New Business – Mike Chilcote – Nominations were held with the following results:
Regional Executive – Melissa Mauro nominated and accepted.
Assistance Regional Executive – Mike Chilcote nominated and accepted.  Rob Springer nominated and declined.  Rich Thomas nominated and accepted.
Treasurer – Alan Lesher nominated and accepted.
Secretary – Bryan Roper nominated and declined.  Mike Chilcote nominated and declined. Adam Dellinger nominated and accepted.
Director 3-year – Rob Springer nominated and accepted.  David Chilcote nominated and declined. Adam Dellinger nominated and declined.

Meeting adjourned at 19:32.

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