Introducing Kids to Motorsports

This article was brought to our attention courtesy of Taylor, Emily, and Homeschooling Adventures, and seemed like a great fit!

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Introducing Kids to Motorsports

Most kids are exposed to sports like baseball, soccer, and basketball at very young ages, but many are not immediately introduced to motorsports on a regular basis. Motorsports, however, are excellent ways for kids to both have fun and build character while competing against peers and mastering their skills. Motorsports are also contactless, meaning they don’t involve any violence in the same way other athletes like MMA fighters and football players experience. While motorsports aren’t as widely discussed as other sports in many areas, there are actually a lot of them out there for you and your kids to experience and test out. There are also many ways to introduce children to motorsports and possibly find their lifelong hobby or career. Let’s take a look at some methods of introducing kids to motorsports.


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