Rallycross Beginner’s Guide

What is rallycross?

Rallycross is like autocross, but on dirt! It’s not “rallying” like you might see on TV with cars driving over large jumps or hills. The lots we use are generally flat but may have a little terrain. Rallycross is a great way to learn to handle your car on loose terrain — in controlled conditions — and enjoy the thrill of competing off-road.

How does rallycross work?

One car drives thecourse at a time. You typically get many more runs than you would at an autocross event, and time is calculated not by your best run, but by total accumulated time for all your runs for the day. Speeds are generally limited only by the design of the courses, which emphasize your driving skills rather than outright speed. Cones are still penalties when hit, though! Your personal street vehicle, seatbelts and a helmet are all that’s required.

Where are rallycross events?

All Susquehanna Region Rallycross events take place at the Farm Show Upper lot on Elmerton Avenue on Saturdays throughout the summer. Check out the Locations page for specific information, and visit the Rallycross Calendar to find upcoming events. Then, make sure to pre-register for the event you choose at MotorsportReg.com.

Rallycross contacts & Event Information

Visit our Rallycross Events Calendar or visit MotorsportReg.com for event information, find rallycross leadership contacts, or contact us if you have any questions. for event information.

Useful Links

Rallycross Rules


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