Meeting Agenda: October 2022

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Call to Order

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • September Minutes

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher + dad joke? Or a poem

Membership Committee Report — Szczyrbak

  •  new members YTD
  •  total as of  September

Club Communication

  • Website & Squeal report – Limm
  • Facebook report – Felty

Autocross Committee Report — Mauro/Brown/Springer

  • Recap of Events 9 & 10
  • Motion for Match Tour Winners
  • Course Maps, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rallycross Committee Report Report — Roscinski 

  • Farm show course maintenance
  • Discuss exploring Bendigo/other possible venues

Rally Sprint  Report — Landis

Scavenger Hunt Road Rally Report — Chilcote/Dellinger

Old Business

  • Chief shirts – Mauro
  • Cars/Coffee in Lancaster – Greg


  • Nominations for 2023 – All
  • Plan for Banquet/Trophy meeting for November
  • Creation of Banquet Committee – Mauro 

Comments, Announcements or Good and Welfare announcements

Motion to Adjourn

Road Rally Report — Leathery

  • Tabled until 2023


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