Meeting Minutes: January 2023

January 2023 Membership Meeting

  • Virtual meeting called to order on Jan 26, 2023 at 7:05pm (meeting held via Zoom)
  • Minutes from the November meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Club Charter is in good shape, we do not need to redo anything as key Board positions did not change for 2023
    • Melissa requested 990 from Alan for 2022
    • National said that annual waivers will be easier to obtain for 2023, Melissa will look for additional information from National and report out to membership
    • Sponsors: Casalingo will likely return as a sponsor. We will need to reach out for other sponsors. If membership has any potential sponsors in mind, let Melissa know.
    • Melissa will put together a formal sponsorship package
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
    • Further budget details to be discussed during the planning meeting
  • Membership report: Greg S
    • Total membership is 472 members
    • New/renew in January – one member
  • Facebook update: Melissa Mauro
    • 30 new Facebook members in the last month.
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Website is still functioning better than before, and it saw mild increases in use during December
    • The Squeal had slightly over 49.5% open rate,
  • Autocross Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Submitted dates for autocross and rallycross to farm show for consideration for event dates, but we have not yet heard back
    • Melissa and Lisa Leathery will begin exploring new venues
    • Club may have one event at Bendigo airport in 2023 – date TBD
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • Looking to potentially meet with AX leadership to look at unifying supplemental rulesets to better align between the two programs
      • To be discussed later and planning meeting
    • Still looking at doing some maintenance on the course.

Old Business- Melissa Mauro

  • Road Rally
    • Season opener with cookout –  planned for April 1, 2023
    • Details TBD
  • New Business
    • National is no longer supporting or sanctioning RallySprint events. As a result, Susquehanna SCCA is no longer going to have Rallrysprint as an official club program.
    • The “Level 3” RallySprint is still being explored at the national level, but it is up in the air.
      • More info is forthcoming
    • Susquehanna SCCA will need to take a look at Facebook page, website, etc to remove instances of RallySprint
    • Nick Landis requested to be removed as an administrator role on the Susquehanna Club FaceBook page.
    • Kathy Barnes from NE region asked if Club might have interest in making a rallycross presentation at the NEDIV conference in Scranton
      • John is potentially interested in giving the talk
      • This would be an opportunity to talk to some of the national level SCCA staff about RX and how we run it
    • Club Bylaws – we will be looking at making some changes for additional clarification
    • Melissa will get some changes published in the Squeal for February 2023
  • Hillclimb representatives
    • This topic needs more discussion (Melissa to lead)
    • Club will designate representative and alternate.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

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